Rayce Archer

Wow, every response to this sure made you look ignorant and wrong, huh? I guess if you were capable of critical thinking that would prompt you to examine other things you believe, but I bet it doesn’t.

One thing that I really worry about, and I think both Democrats and Republicans should worry about, is we have some real demographic problems in our country. American families aren’t having enough children.

All car racing is boring except for touring car and rally. Even LeMans Prototype is boring, and I LIKE LeMans Prototype.

You know, I’m sure it’s the wrong takeaway from this case but like

Considering Rush’s bizarre confidence in his submarine, one suspects that his bribe would have been “FREE UNDERWATER BOET RIDE!!!!1" so like... I guess for the sake of our representatives in Washington, I’m glad he didn’t get that far?

Featuring a 3 second cameo of a teenage Bryan Cranston running down the road and shouting “oh no it’s the Black Gestapo!”

Look pal this is America where we entertain all opposing viewpoints. If we’re going to give “please don’t let people starve to death because they went to the hospital” a chance, then we’re obligated to air “bring back private ownership of humans” too. It’s called “the paradox of tolerance” and it’s what makes us the


I never heard of Zeeker, but their designs are kinda funky, sort of like Subaru by way of Tesla. Also they have a car called the 007, which is both awesome and a strong reversal of the whole “Chinese cars have mile-long names” issue.

Hush cuck, the adults are talking about trucks

I love how the dude in the video basically flashbanged himself with the first shot because, you know, he’s firing a gun inside his car, but he just keeps shooting even though he can’t hold his gun straight or even look where he’s shooting.

I assume this is for the same kind of person who makes a bunker out of shipping containers and culvert in their backyard, the sort of freak so obsessed with the world’s problems and so in denial about their role in them that they honestly believe wrapping themselves in the trappings of militarism is the best way to

Goodyear MAKES bullet-resistant run-flat heavy duty tires for armored cars. I’m guessing that, like the window armor, these were sacrificed for the sake of ease of use as a road car.

The model here should be armored against anything up to 30.06 AP, but does not appear to be equipped with the expendable armored layers on the windows, which are bolt-on. Additionally, you can clearly see there is no significant protection of the rear differential, and the tires are basic off-roading tires and not

If anything it’s just going to help hold in the spray foam.

Reliable much?

The improved safety and performance of modern cars does necessitate more weight, but the massive super-heavy SUVs everyone wants nowadays are just stupid. 

Who in the fuck writes about cars this way? You read like ad copy. Except this part, where it kind of seems like you’re talking about masturbation:

So we should all buy one, then stow in the garage until Bring a Trailer has one of those “looks absolutely fine but has a totaled title because the body is snapped inside” supercar sales, is what I’m hearing? And use the wait time to get good at mechanic stuff?

Now playing

I am shocked and disgusted by the lack of Kavinsky on this listicle.