Your Kid’s Car Seat Might Contain Cancer-Causing Chemicals
I think the RS7 has been one of the better looking sedans out there for years now, and current ones certainly aren’t getting any worse. It looks understated, almost boring, in most photos, but on the road it’s just better somehow. It’s flatter than it looks in pictures; just a little more lean and tapered than other…
Running Elans in good shape usually go for 30-40k USD, but some of them dip almost as low as this example. Even if you don’t get that lucky, you’ll probably be spending the upper end just getting this running anyway. I feel bad saying not to buy this, because they’re beautiful cars and it would be great for someone to…
Yeah, compare it to the stock Manx, where the whole engine sits north of the rear axle. I would have just sacrificed the back seat and put it in there aimed down, but I’m not selling a Dune Buggy that costs as much as an Audi R8 so what do I know?
Oh man they finally got Archie Luxury
I mean, it’s a lot better than Der Horst Wessel Lied, right? I think a better question is, do ships usually blast music when they drive through London? Because that sounds annoying as hell.
Well for the love of god, DON’T WASH IT
One morning I woke up and turned on the television. On the television I saw a commercial for the motorcycle I owned. “Hell yeah borthor” I said. But then there was a minority in the ad. “Oh no!” I yelled at my television. “Don’t get on my motorcycle, minority!” But the minority DID get on my motorcycle. Did that mean…
There is no group white racists hate so much as native Americans. Why do you think everyone is so upset about Latin American immigrants? Do you think the republicans would be clutching their pearls if all the “migrant Caravans” were folks who looked like Antonio Bandaras with names like Alejandro Goebbels?
They’re already in a museum at the head office in Maranello. These ones want to be on the road! Obviously a NICE road with lots of curves and minimal gravel, but...
I thought their electric car project was on hold
I would love a comparison deep dive about the risks of crashed and burning electric vehicles vs. ICE. Obviously, a regular semi fire isn’t exactly safe; there’s no way to set a big vehicle full of chemicals on fire in the middle of the road without SOMETHING bad happening. I guess the questions are:
Apparently something owned by a dude who committed genocide
I have a first-gen CVT pathfinder. It’s at 158k now, but I don’t think the transmission is going to hold out. It was a REALLY shit transmission, and you can’t really get new ones anymore, since they stopped making them almost immediately and all the OEM ones broke already. It’s a shame, because apart from that - and a…
As the proud owner of Nicolae Ceauşescu’s old Mercedes Grosser, I think I have an excellent chance of winning this. It’s not as vintage as Mussolini’s 6c, but an Alfa is always going to be a pain to own, and those old Mercs are bulletproof
Literally in this case
It’s not concourse ready unless the glovebox is full of finger bones
Man why do people keep putting sawblades on these things? They NEVER work. Is the “huge salad bowl covered with spinning hammers” design still banned?