Rayce Archer

He clearly wants to breed her, dude gets a kick out of collecting baby mamas. I hate to think what kind of mutant his special-k flooded sack and her ‘roid uterus would produce, but that’s definitely his intention.

Say what you will about Cain, at least he actually works. Sorbo has just melted down full on ultimate warrior style.

Is he a weird sex guy though? Because the real Franklin was a super weird sex guy.

I mean, presumably later on they’re considering having a longer range model like Tesla has done for other vehicles, and they just built one housing for all cybertrucks regardless of battery capacity? It’s like how aughties Mazdas put the satnav screen on the dash whether you paid for the software or not.

I prefer the American Civil War where I use cutting edge jetfighters to protect Northern California and Washington from British Japan by invading Hawaii, then everything gets exploded with volcano bombs

Gangs didn’t shoot up this neighborhood though

Anybody who wants to do real offroading is going to have it lifted, right? 90 percent of these will only “offroad” in that they may park on grass sometimes.

Can we talk about the actual conspiracy theory for a bit? That the government incited 2 gangs of skinheads to fight each other so CONSERVATIVES would look bad? Like, just a huge tacit admission that the was actual Nazis behave reflects on all conservatives IN THEIR OWN MINDS.

I guess if they leave them long enough, the port authority will just seize them, and we’ll start seeing Sanyang cop cars around Baltimore and stuff, like in the episode of The Flash where all the cops in the alternate universe drive 90s XJs instead of Crown Vics.

I mean, this is about twice what it’s worth, so it would certainly be a good investment for HIM.

Then they probably just shouldn’t have. It’s not gonna make them any money anyhow.

Wait why are the graphics of the Rio and the Spark just greyed out Mirages what are they trying to say

I think that’s unlikely, only because international shipping is such a hugely corrupt enterprise that I think you could just PAY ship owners to underserve your competition. If China IS intentionally overbuilding cars, it’s probably just a flex, like “look at all the cars our glorious communist factory of the people

Inevitably, when the economy gets harder and people manage to persevere, businesses will do all they can to keep things as hard for the customer as possible. The last time tough times actually made things cheaper was the sub-prime mortgage crisis, when everyone was so broke it was literally impossible to keep

I only like cars with extremely poor turning radii. I love pulling a legal u turn that holds up traffic for a full minute. Just Austin Powers my car right across the road.

If over-engineered German cars are not, in fact, that good, then is it really unreasonable to say Toyota should have made the new Supra completely in-house instead of just reskinning the Z4?

Elon has spent years taking credit for the work of real creative visionaries, then running their hard work into the ground, but the one business venture he could do himself is RIGHT THERE and he’s just ignored it

Although named simply “Padawan” in the original credits, he was given his gag name Sha’a Gi—only rivaled in absurdity by the iconic Ima-Gun Di, a Jedi who debuts and dies promptly before the opening titles of the Clone Wars episode “Supply Lines”

Hear me out here: buy a Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag.

I just think that if it weren’t the intended outcome there wouldn’t be so many. Like, you can look at the business model Uber, Doordash, WeWork, Bird, etc. rely on - capitalize an existing service or business structure using minimal assets, heavy automation or gig work, and a deliberately short-term undercut price