Another reason everyone should own a dehydrator.
Another reason everyone should own a dehydrator.
If I could reboot any franchise, I would reboot one that wasn’t very successful and isn’t very well remembered, like Michael Bay did with Clonus. In fact I wouldn’t even do a reboot, I’d grab an old movie with lots of potential, clean it up and do new special effects. I guess what I’m getting at is that I want a Star…
You know, a lot of prestige food brands hire their own stockers just to avoid this. You’ve probably seen this at the grocery in the chip aisle - almost all Frito Lay products are stocked by the same team that delivers them. This makes sense - these are VERY high volume products, with a lot of brand recognition, so why…
I think this really needed to be a movie cast with unknowns. The cast of Borderlands is sufficiently aesthetically divorced from reality that you could cast almost anyone; they took the bizarre course of stuffing this with big names when they could have grabbed a bunch of oddball kids and just gone crazy with it.
Arm the cars. Robot wars, but it’s racing.
Sony has to release a minimum number of projects featuring elements of the Spider-Man comics in order to keep ownership of Spider Man’s film rights. BUT, they can’t just make their own Spider-Man movies because Disney owns 50% of the version of Spider-Man appearing in the MCU. They could make a Spider-Man movie in a…
Ah yes, the Simcity 2000 novice approach, just making EVERY political decision those around you ask for regardless of whether they conflict with previous choices you’ve made. Classic.
I enjoyed Starfield, but I honestly think I did just about everything in it that you can do. Short of building bases I don’t need or exploring the same 10 buildings one-shotting pirates with my instant-kill rifle and bottomless ammo, there was no reason to keep playing. In spite of all its random worlds, there’s far…
But despite this sites love for it most people think Starfield is pretty meh.
Still better than flying United.
Hell, I’d buy a Challenger and I’ve OWNED CHRYSLERS BEFORE, I should definitely know better.
DISCLOSURE: Not gay. But with that said it’s always seemed to me like queerness in video games is very much steered by the heterosexual viewpoint. Like, overwhelmingly homosexual characters in mainstream games are conventionally attractive women. And trans characters are conventionally attractive women. If you have a…
Given Palworld’s rather intentionally weird, off-brand vibe, these seem appropriate. All the more if you consider them as like, the best costumes all the castaways and criminals on the Palapagos Islands could make for some kind of awful Paloween party.
Cynical headline: BMW to discontinue last reliable part of BMWs
“Eidos we like the games where the sneaky man shoots robots and steals things plz make more”
This is just wholesome as heck, i want a “send nice message” button for my car!
I’ve only ever driven 2 Chevys: an ancient Impala which was okay in that classic floaty land-yacht way, and an HHR, in which the electronic assist was so numb it felt like I was only suggesting the steering, and visibility was slightly worse than in a Bradley IFV. I wouldn’t pay for either experience again, but I…