Rayce Archer

What you say is true, but there’s definitely something going on here. The Crosstrek is basically a tamed down road version of other, bigger Subies - it still has AWD, but it’s a mall-crawler compared to the Outback or Forester. The Tesla also doesn’t seem to be getting the advertised 12" of play in its suspension -

Perhaps the only good part of Die Another Day was the XKR vs Vanquish spy car deathmatch inside the ice hotel. Anyhow nice price because my most smoothbrained characteristic is that I unconditionally love Jags.

In Unreal, there is a mesh scale property for most objects. This lets you set a variance of a few percent so that, for instance, some enemies in a crowd will be taller than others, some Nali fruit bushes will be smaller, etc. By your logic, every variation of every model created in this way is a totally unique,

I’m so tired of hitting people in fighting games

I mean, I can’t argue with that, I just plain don’t want to go on cruise ships period lol

It also doesn’t require that users be tethered, which is huge. With enough floor, for instance, you could have two people amicably shake hands, go on a hike (simulated) miles apart while only moving apart a few steps, then meet atop a mountain and high five again in real space. It’s pretty wild stuff.

Surely modern cruise ships are big enough that nuclear power is cost effective now? I know there are some nuclear freighters because the size of cargo ships is starting to pass the breakpoint where fueling them with traditional oil or diesel is no longer the best choice.

I’m sure it was awful performance wise, but I actually really like how the Beretta looks.

Retro games in general carry with them the risk of laziness. Obviously, it’s easier to build simpler assets, and a lot of developers will use that as an excuse to be similarly low-effort with the gameplay and design, overlooking the fact that really good old games still had a tremendous amount of thought put into them.

will it pull as hard as an old V10 TDI Touareg?

So is this show about putting together the most socially awkward American and foreigners who would like to get citizenship the (probably not) easy way then recording the hijinks?

“No her name is Vivian James and she’s a shibboleth of the great unseen minority of women who support men enjoying men’s entertainment and hobbies instead of trying to tear us down for clout, I keep all my “weird cartoon pinups” in this other folder which I call “h3n74i” to confuse people who go poking around my PC.”

90 day fiance represents producers finally realizing that all American men who remote date foreign women are scumbags, and wisely capitalizes on the comedy inherent to their awfulness, it’s peak television

The news of this exciting new survival game release reminds me that I haven’t played V Rising since the new map dropped. Think I’ll get on that this weekend.

As long as it doesn’t punish you for doing too well like the last couple Ogre Battle games did, I’m all in.

You’re going to give your money to a business that doesn’t even know you exist in order to pwn a stranger on the internet? Bro, if that’s the kind of financial decisions you make, let me tell you about this bridge out west I’m selling.

Remember kids, when government tells businesses how to spend their money, that’s command economics and that’s bad; but when businesses tell the government how to spend your money, that’s fascism and it’s worse.

My extremely bad take is that the Fiero is a cool car actually. It’s a shame that so many have been sacrificed to make awful fake Lambos.

Football is fun, politics are important, the Emmys are a bunch of rich idiots pitching each other’s already successful shows, interspersed with other unrelated commercials. It’s not rocket science.