Rayce Archer

As long as it doesn’t punish you for doing too well like the last couple Ogre Battle games did, I’m all in.

You’re going to give your money to a business that doesn’t even know you exist in order to pwn a stranger on the internet? Bro, if that’s the kind of financial decisions you make, let me tell you about this bridge out west I’m selling.

Remember kids, when government tells businesses how to spend their money, that’s command economics and that’s bad; but when businesses tell the government how to spend your money, that’s fascism and it’s worse.

My extremely bad take is that the Fiero is a cool car actually. It’s a shame that so many have been sacrificed to make awful fake Lambos.

Football is fun, politics are important, the Emmys are a bunch of rich idiots pitching each other’s already successful shows, interspersed with other unrelated commercials. It’s not rocket science.

I’m not normally supportive of the pointlessly sexy waifu aesthetic of mobile games, but if there was ever a title where every character needed to be a hot chick in a swimsuit I feel like “neon gladiator battles with foam guns” is it.

I suspect that some of this comes from the fact that Craftopia (Pocketpair’s other major game) has fallen behind their development roadmap, is still in EA, and a lot of people were very upset when they announced a new game (Palworld) while Craftopia was pretty rough.

Between making lame excuses for their issues, delivering a smaller Fallout clone gussied up under gigs of wasteful window dressing, and being internet tough-guys whenever they come under fire, I’m starting to think Bethesda doesn’t have the strongest hand on the tiller here.

I don’t know why they didn’t just hire a really jacked lady and paint her green? She doesn’t turn INHUMANLY huge like Bruce does, the Ferrigno method would have worked way better here.

they didn’t look (...) cheap

nah bro it’s a skill issue bro u gotta learn timing u gotta get good when u dodge roll and the camera jags into the wall that’s just part of the realistic challenge bro just use this exact build bro it’s called strategy don’t use magic though that’s cheating

It’s much smaller of a game than the window dressing would suggest. It has crafting but that crafting is largely irrelevant, you can safely ignore everything in the ship skill tree, you will never recoup resources from your settlements that you spend building them, and unless you arbitrarily go to planets just for

I think a lot of stuff hurt Superman Returns. If I had to pick its big problems:

Tesla still owns enough of their stock that they can probably play this as a lowered valuation against their taxes. It’s probably a net win for them, because capitalism is just a big scam the government runs against public infrastructure.

So I guess what you want is a frame that directs corner impacts sideways but toward the center?

It’s so weird how the private regulators who are financed and assembled by the aircraft industry keep missing issues that would cause legal or financial problems for that industry. If only there were some other way, but sadly there is nothing.

Like all of their mods this is pretty horrible, but so is the base car and they didn’t really make it WORSE so

  • AI is useful, but not for any of the stuff Musk and his ilk are using it for. Adobe is doing some awesome stuff with using AI to organically expand textures and it has a lot of promise creating parametric content in 3D rendering. As usual, capitalists would prefer to take something exciting and useful and use it as

Listen I am a self made man