Rayce Archer

Believe me, I know this is very oblique, unhelpful criticism and - I cannot stress this enough - I would 100% say it directly to the faces of anyone involved in Big Bang Theory or its extended universe. Those shows are so awful they made me like Barenaked Ladies less. I cannot overstate how much I despise them, except

Your assertion that Young Sheldon is a sitcom is intriguing, because I’m only familiar with sitcoms that are, or attempt to be, funny.

I want to know why young Sheldon is so much more socially functional than adult Sheldon. That’s like the opposite of how functioning autism works. Like, the child version of the adult we saw in Big Bang theory should spend most of his time staring motionlessly at his action figures and screaming for an hour every time

Me, a liberal academic with pronouns: “ACAB! Defund the police! No cop city!”

I know life imitates art, but I’m not sure Always Sunny is the art to shoot for

(Now watch, it’ll turn out to be a mare...)

This is clearly a legitimate business run by well respected community members with no connection to organized crime whatsoever

By that logic the protagonists of every Ubisoft game should be sex criminals though

Imagine, he started off as Uncle Scrooge and now he’s on real TV!

I know this is heresy among all the weirdos who like the novels, but I don’t consider any of those canon. I feel like this is a correct interpretation because:

I’m still waiting to find out why he never became the Valeyard, and how that reconciles with the substantial worldbuilding in Trial of a Time Lord, but I don’t think they’re ever going to address that. It’s kind of wild that “big crabs in a sewer” got a modern shoutout but not “that time the Doctor became an evil


You mean like how Wanda went from all that character development in her show to “hahaha I’m kookoo bonkers wooby wooby woo!” in Multiverse of Madness?

Crimson Peak is fine as what it is - a meticulous tribute to the European gothic horror films of the 60s and 70s. It’s just that, next to Del Toro’s broader canon of unpredictably apeshit movies, it seems kind of... passe? Then again, I guess The Lighthouse demonstrated you can absolutely make a retro homage horror

Slave labor emerald money’s a little tight to buy and ruin someone else’s business right now, so I guess I’ll be better than Elon by raising my children and respecting their mother.

I despise Elon Musk and all he touches, but this isn’t really a ding against Tesla, IMO. So long as you are extracting value from what you have purchased, depreciation is a purely academic concern. If you pay price X for a car, and own it for years Y, is the value of X divided by Y an acceptable rate to pay for having

Do the other Vanguard questline too if you haven’t; it’s a very solid sci-fi horror movie.

The complaint is that it’s missing because they took money from AMD to not include it. All games SHOULD support BOTH company’s performance enhancements, and most do. If Bethesda were a little baby company that didn’t include DLSS because they didn’t know how and didn’t have time to learn, people wouldn’t be as mad.

There’s an issue a lot of people experience where the game runs fine, but hangs every couple minutes. This happens to users with and without SSOs, regardless of settings, and is absolutely not universal, but when it does happen, the most reliable fix seems to be turning off random cores in Starfield’s Affinity

I’m not sure about that. I ditched my space suit with chameleon and gravitic components and tried stealthing in just the operator suit, which is a clothing item with 25% stealth bonus, and my sneaking was WAY less effective.