Sometimes you just can’t fit inside a character at scale, and I think people generally accept that.
Sometimes you just can’t fit inside a character at scale, and I think people generally accept that.
I’m happy for this dude but keep in mind that this is the same Ridley Scott who made a movie about Noah teaming up with rock monsters to kill a bunch of dudes in an epic battle. I guess every avant-garde director is allowed to make one really shitty action movie, though, like how Alex Proyas made Gods of Egypt, or…
Given the lack of speed and all the damage to her bike, I’m guessing she is in fact wiping out on a turn and not failing at stunting.
you could also fix the windows in place and remove the regulator assemblies, but that’s a big quality of life hit if you plan to drive this thing outside of the track. Although as Top Gear demonstrated, you CAN fit a large McDonalds combo through a porthole-style window vent.
I feel like all the people complaining about the boring grind of Starfield are making it boring by choosing to grind. Like, I’m only level 50, I’m only halfway through the main story, and I can already one-shot virtually any enemy. If I had ONLY played quests I specifically wanted to play, with no extraneous leveling…
That green is pretty slick.
Where’s all the nostalgia for Marathon? I want 4d space and reams of text and levels that send you back 4 acts if you choose the wrong exit!
Classic Power Man in particular had tons of great “monster of the week” arcs. Like there’s a whole story where Cage and Fist get hired by a trucking company to find out why their trucks are disappearing. It turns out that the trucks are being stolen by Mole Man to build mole stuff so they fight him then rescue the…
Hey guys, Bobby just needs a new plane now that his buddy with the jet isn’t around anymore
Nah the further we keep the insecure babies on the Netflix Daredevil team from this the better. Some of us enjoy good pacing or like, the general practice of storytelling.
Usually in games that give you unlockable powers, the area where you find them includes a mini tutorial in using them. Control was really good about this. It would have been easy in Starfield, for instance when you get precognition you have to use it to do a stealth area, when you get the dash you have to do an…
gosh, maybe they DO have time to get down to 10 micrometer tolerance or whatever before production starts
Mechanically, a Robocop game should give you TONS of health but make you go back to the station to repair. I get why you wouldn’t do that, but in-the-field health recovery seems weird.
It’s sooooo good. Thoughts and spoilers below:
I feel like Randy has awfully... Specialized tastes in OF ladies.