Rayce Archer

There’s nothing WRONG with the Genesis Gargoyles game, but was anyone hungry for a remaster? I hope this is a water-test for interest in the franchise.

This is the first I’m hearing about the Celestique, but I think it looks pretty good. Maybe I’m just starved for American luxury wagons?

I was on the fence about Edwards for a long time on account of not liking Monsters at all, but I’ve since come around to my grievances mostly resting on the incompetent shoulders of Indi flukegill fixture Scoot McNairy and his emotionless girlfriend. Everything Edwards has made with good actors has been way better.

Your sadly not daily reminder that white racists hate immigrants at the southern border because the overwhelming majority of them are Indigenous Americans and Americans will never be more racist to anybody than we are to Indians.

everything is locked behind a goddamn perk point

I think this game demonstrates a lot of hard limits of true open-world design. After 150 years on multiple habitable planets, there should be tens of billions of humans, but the game doesn’t include nearly that many - you can infer we just never meet most of them, but if you tried, you COULD literally visit every

There’s a side questline where you find a group of UC marines and Freestar Rangers who have been trapped together in a space factory when they both arrived to help out the workers against a Spacer attack. The characters and story there are INSTANTLY more compelling than whatever dumb fetch quest Sarah and her rich

“We were going to release a functional product without much drama, but then we remembered we were Sega.”

So the builder was all “I want to build a direct-thrust powered jet car” but then used a turbine that IS in fact intended to turn an axle and NOT act as a literal jet

The only exception seems to be that there’s a bunch of planets where you get frostbite no matter what you do. And I admit I’m not a science pro, but isn’t “it’s too cold” something space suits already have licked? Like you can basically go as cold as you want in space suits we have right now and it’s fine. HEAT is a

Dude might as well not rock the boat with threats, they’re patching in DLSS soon anyway.

Woah, what? No Goku: Midnight Eye? No No Gun’s Life? No freakin’ APPLESEED? What even is this list?

I am wholly in favor of unregulated submersibles reducing billionaires to a souplike homogenate at the bottom of the sea. If anything, we need more anarchocapitalists building tubes of annihilation to swallow up their own wretched kind. There is no more based of an ambition than to seal yourself and your fellow

The real reason to complete Kerry’s questline:

One hopes that the new Spawn captures a bit more of the quirky feel that halmarked the original comic. But I will always have a soft spot for the incredibly edgy 90s Michael Jai White/John Leguizamo vehicle too.

Not THE most inappropriate

Space expansion is a really good example. Like in a world similar to The Expanse or Starfield, everyone just docks spaceships together or lands them on asteroids and stuff like they’re parking a car. Now, right off the bat, you can’t do that. The relative speeds and demands of precision are beyond what you can just

I wish there was gear or skills to improve collection distance in space. You can absolutely go asteroid mining, but the amount of flying you have to do to pick up your loot makes it kind of awful.