Rayce Archer

The real reason to complete Kerry’s questline:

Not THE most inappropriate

Space expansion is a really good example. Like in a world similar to The Expanse or Starfield, everyone just docks spaceships together or lands them on asteroids and stuff like they’re parking a car. Now, right off the bat, you can’t do that. The relative speeds and demands of precision are beyond what you can just

I wish there was gear or skills to improve collection distance in space. You can absolutely go asteroid mining, but the amount of flying you have to do to pick up your loot makes it kind of awful.

When do we get a fix for Sarah’s weirdly subjective morality

Thanks, I appreciate that!

I’m a little tired of the whole “what if we make AI but it’s just like us, and we do a racism to it but then who’s the real monsters?” I mean, it’s really unlikely we would MAKE fully human robots just to put them in humiliated, subservient roles when we could just make UNQUESTIONINGLY OBEDIENT robots who just happily

There’s terminals in the abandoned lab you go to at the beginning of the game that explain it a bit. The Red Devils were just extra badass marines who the UC sent to get specimens for their xenowarfare program; they were so good at wrangling the creatures the scientists started having them train compliant creatures

Oh man you could ask a whole arsenal of questions specifically to trip up Michael Caine in a modern analysis

It must be nice being able to just say stuff and not have to actually explain any of it because you’re just signalling to other people who already agree with you. Sometimes I regret having actual opinions and goals in life and thus denying myself that luxury. I imagine that you walk around in a kind of perpetual

“Can we stop by the waterfall while we’re here? I’d love to unwind!”
“Well Sarah, I have good news and bad news.”

Between wanting to outlaw boycotts and insisting nobody has a right to strike, it sure seems like Republicans want Venezuela-style command economics. What a bunch of socialists SMH

I much prefer the game to scale challenge by adding NEW enemies as you progress through the story. For instance, what if after you do the mandatory Panam quests you start meeting militech squads with bot support out and about? It’s weird that the random Tyger Claw street punks you meet at level 1 would be your equal

Desperately googling “how to tell wife I spent kids’ college money on monkey cartoons” one suspects

For this price you can just get an actual rear-engine ‘vette, while also looking tolerable inside and keeping most of its parts in place. Oh, and it’ll have AC.

I’m not an Ozzie, can any of our Australian friends say whether this is as bullshit as it would be if the American cops were saying it?

On the one hand yes, Night City doesn’t really seem like that bad of a place to live, but on the other hand if the whole city were an endless hellish nightmare it wouldn’t be realistic, right? People would just go insane or game over themselves. I think they struck a good balance of a world where human life can

I just googled and this is as close as I could get. It seems like people who want Calvin praying don’t want him peeing at the same time.