Rayce Archer

“Why can’t daddy Elon put a little baby ArcTan∀Superjet inside my fertile womb” Shahn H wept, clutching the old-fashioned rotory phone and rolling around on pink silk sheets. “Why won’t he call?” Shahn needed Elon, needed those oddly smooth hands that had struck so many mine slaves in apartheid South Africa, needed

Beau Billingslea, and yes he is.

Also she loves it when you pick locks but hates it when you pick pockets

so can you combine the EEG with a Dreamcast fishing controller to finally put the hurt on Guitar Hero?

Card has way more problems than “the church.” Remember when he was on the president’s advisory board for science and pitched the proposal that we spread rumors in latin communities that hospitals killed you and harvested your organs so immigrants would stop using emergency rooms? Dude is just complete trash.

As a big fan of Dishonored, I am always a fan of morally good decisions that involve a high degree of cruelty. Too bad you can’t just dump a bunch of space crocodiles in the spa and watch the fun.

Stealth. Unlike in Fallout/TES, making a non-lethal stealth attack on enemies in Starfield only increases your visibility, it doesn’t instantly reveal you. You can make whole long-distance firefights with the enemies only panic firing in your vague direction, it’s AMAZING.

So when celebs go to bat for their co-stars like this, or like Phylicia Rashad with Bill Cosby, do you think it’s because they’re protecting their networking prospects, or because their careers so isolate them from real friendship that they cling with utter desperation to anyone who they come to respect

I’m sure these folks had a lot of hardships in their lives but it’s really important that we all know that alien abductions aren’t real, UFOs aren’t from space, and repressed memories are mental health fiction made up to sell books at the apex of the satanic panic. Is there maybe a headline that can highlight the

I experienced intermittent freezing regardless of settings, an issue experienced by many players. The solution in most cases is to disable the game’s access to the first available CPU core every time you run it.

My understanding is the he’ll just be juvenilely bullied by all his peers and totally ignored for OT or patrol by his superiors until he gives up and leaves. Working as a cop hinges on hours, and if nobody gives you anything to do or supports you doing it, you’re basically hosed.

Well, that dude telling him to stop on the tape can kiss his career goodbye, cops hate other cops who tell them to obey the law.

This is a pretty clear violation of the Logan act, but we aren’t prosecuting all the Reddit nazis who went to join Azov Battalion so why prosecute Musk for shutting down a contracted utility in order to support Russia? Just let people do whatever, I guess, no need for laws or discipline.

It’s all part of his master plan.

The Bowler Wildcat - essentially a superleggera Defender - will make you a DRIVING GOD!

Slightly more if you count the birds in the photos as additional birds

We need to claim the moon for all that sweet, sweet luna titanium