Rayce Archer

Dale Sr. would have lived if he’d been using the recommended safety precautions. He chose to take an elevated risk and unfortunately it didn’t work for him.

I think you’ll find that is a RESULT of regulation and not an impetus for it. Once car companies HAD to be safe, making that a marketing point became natural.

What part of car safety do you think comes from capitalism? The US auto industry has vigorously combatted almost every safety standard for cars OR pedestrians.

now you can crash it WAY HARDER

For reference, 3-5 mm is generally considered acceptable. That’s between panels, so each panel is going to be from 1.5 to 2.5 mm. That’s about half of the width of a pencil. Documented measurements by existing Tesla owners have included gaps that exceed these, and more importantly, VARIATIONS in gap width that hit the

I was going to protest Joseph not being first, but then I remembered that Joseph doesn’t really get good until he’s a supporting character.

It actually appears to be a retail product:

I figured the Del Sol was just a casual “fun in the sun” car, like the Toyota Solara. I mean, both companies put that IN THE NAME. The performance civic-based car was the Integra, which AFAIK disappointed nobody.

Remember when they decided The Ascent was the bestest thing ever? And ran a full week of daily coverage on it? And don’t get me wrong, it’s perfectly fine, but they were hyping it up like it was the next coming of ARPG Christ as opposed to, you know, a flashy tactical shooter with light RPG elements.

If Putin were as good at invading Ukraine as he is at murdering other people in the Russian government, the war would be done by now.

I still can’t believe Clinton let that fiend Benghazi escape to continue his reign of terror, standard liberal L

The thing is, the actual trial is just the apex of a years-long black comedy these idiots inflicted on the world. The loose order of events, as i understand it is:

Wow it’s almost like movie ratings are a bunch of subjective garbage, created by religious extremists and shoehorned into the film industry as an unbelievably audacious scam.

Makes sense, remember when the whole buzz around Crysis was how beefy of a rig you needed to run it, and the results were nothing but positive sales for Crytek?

The icing on the cake is the 2 cars already ditched where the SUV comes to a stop

Why would you put cup holders in those Impalas your legs are gonna catch when you slide in from the passenger side

The saddest part is that they lived

Wow, literally everyone involved in this article sounds like shallow stacks of garbage! I can see why they don’t want their real names shared!

This one time I went on a gravel trail in Colorado, it seemed pretty rough. I told the sheriff it could use some railings or something and he just called me an ass clown. I tell you what, I sure wasn’t sorry for driving over his “road closed” sign after that!

In practice, I suspect about 99.9% of the fuel oil consumption above is commercial trucking and maritime applications. You also have to consider that America is responsible for shipping we don’t conduct, by way of other countries disproportionately exporting to us.