Rayce Archer

Building your own PC hasn’t been a savings prospect in years, ever since GPU prices started skyrocketing and system builders got to keep the old wholesale rates. At the peak of the crypto craze after those plants in Taiwan burned down, you could get a whole PC for the same price as just buying the video card IN that

There’s a Nemo exhibit but Dory is just Ellen in a diving suit swimming with the fish for no reason

If anything, Trump looking like a cartoon monster should make him EASIER to sculpt. It’s like how making Mickey Rourke look like Marv in Sin City was easy because Mickey Rourke already looks like a rock monster that a friendly wizard created to drink all the beer in the kingdom so the alcoholic king could clean up.

Clinton wasn’t the best Democrat, but in the social justice race, she was eons ahead of Trump

After reviewing the thin paste we recovered from the wreckage, we believe the person it came from is DEAD.

For some inscrutable reason my wife keeps watching Aronofsky movies, and I’ve come to the conclusion that he’s basically just Kurt Wimmer if he made boring artsy movies instead of stupid violent artsy movies. There’s a lot of style there, sure, but just ZERO substance, and you can be assured that whatever your first

My take is that Final Fantasy games give you virtually no meaningful choices, and are thus generally NOT ROLE PLAYING GAMES.

As you can see in the figure I helpfully included, the race park has 3 tracks: a flat turns-and-straights car course, an inner dirt track for bikes and ATVs, and a kart track. I ASSUME this was the road track, but you never know.

FSR will work on any Nvidia card that can do DLSS, so this is a lot of noise about nothing.

Right? This is really bad car reporting. Did he crash due to driver error or mechanical failure? What course was he driving? Which turn did he wipe out on?

I like that other hello kitty town sim so i may give this sequel a shot. The tone looks really different though.

It’s hard to deny though that it’s demoralizing when you lose a ton of features going to a sequel. Fully specced Sims 2 is SO much more content rich than base 4. And while some of the features are abstract and specific enough that it doesn’t matter, others - like running a store or having pets - seem so natural to the

The parallels to Utena suggest that Suletta will eventually have a transforming mobile suit with some kind of car mode.

My controversial take is DAs ARE cops

The Moogle’s crepey wings and shorthair fur look like my textural nightmare.

Greater demons like Lilith can’t really die. When you kill them, their demonic essences descend into the Void, a depthless pit at the bottom of hell, where they slowly re-emerge into physical bodies. These would be their TRUE bodies, by the way, as opposed to the hybrid humanoid bodies we see in Diablo II.

It was kind of a weird homage to the camp horror flicks of the late 60s to mid 70s. It languished briefly in publication hell, then Richards BLEW UP so they ripped out most of the sex and violence so it could hit a PG-13 and rushed it to market.

Sega still sticking to their “Knuckles Chaotix Didn’t Happen” platform, huh?