Rayce Archer

Bro is really doing the sad Clinton supporter thing on Twitter where you censor the name of an entity to show how much you hate them

Yes, because renaming all the streets will suddenly change things and life will suddenly be easy and perfect....

Well, the chinese concept of alchemy has wood and metal, and no air (wind and wood are often conflated, for some reason). The Archaic greeks had a fifth element for natural life force, and some Medieval occultists made a distinction between air (any gas you can sniff or put in a bottle) and aether (the magical

Nah I’ll just play one of the million other board games where I run an industrial-revolution era colonial trade enterprise, that’s cool.

A lot of this art seems to suggest the robot masters would mess with you throughout their stages, which is an interesting idea.

It’s also a cool shoutback to Peter B. Parker’s own failed attempts at selling out in the first film

Electric doesn’t really work for aircraft

It’s basically just planes we have now, but with trussed wings (which have been experimental in high-altitude craft for some time now) and different wing and engine positions. It looks very feasible. Not the kind of trash you’d see from Dahir Insaat on your facebook feed at all.

I sat at my cluttered desk, surrounded by stacks of case files and half-empty coffee cups. The dimly lit room provided the perfect atmosphere for my nightly routine of scrolling through social media, looking for any leads or snippets of information that could help crack the case. I was a private investigator, and my

And then they both get pwnt by a two-foot tall Kanye West with six foot long disgustingly muscular arms.

Yiddish has at least 3 or 4 different words for types of weird little dork, I don’t think you gotta dance around it

Lexus developed what it says is the world’s first resin molding technology to specifically mold the canards

But does the Flash just try to choke out random people then scream at the police until they drag him away in cuffs?

Nah man this dude ruined an F Type, he needs to go in the pit

She’s not nine feet tall, 1/5

Hopefully they don’t steal Infinite’s “being a pile of unfinished trash” too

Ah yes, the Leninist dream of (checks notes) no fat chicks.

I just hate that people needs to be represented on a game or anywhere, that takes so much out of what a writer o creator can and could do.

Murray’s unimpeachable quality as a friend and utter shittiness as a co-worker have been the stuff of industry legend for 40 years at this point. I 100% believe just about EVERYTHING people say about him equally - if you told me “Bill Murray made an unbelievably racist, sexual joke at my high school commencement where