Rayce Archer

The Golf W12-650, where basically the whole car was gutted to fit Bentley’s W12 then swathed in ridiculous aero.

Most people who live in a violent genocidal police state say their government is A-OK, film at eleven. Do you know WHY people in China would respond to a poll that way? Because their government has spent trillions of dollars over the course of decades developing the ability to micromanage every citizen’s public

Most reputable banks don’t want to accept the financial risks of supplying low security borrowers. There’s definitely a market for a fiduciary that supplies bespoke loans for essential car purchases to subprime borrowers, but I kind of doubt anyone with the money to back such a thing wants to risk it.

There is perhaps no video game that embodies the Peele brand of social horror-comedy to the extent that The Sims does. So logical move, I guess?

Naw fam you’re right, there’s nothing at all suspect about famously outspoken liberal Alec Baldwin being criminally charged in a clearly non-criminal matter by the elected DA of a district in New Mexico, nothing at all

So if you’ve followed KULTURWARZ: THE DESTRUCTION OF SPONDYLUS for a while, you may have noticed cancellation is overwhelmingly a concern of media figures. Of course anyone can get cancelled, but it’s mostly media people, and typically entertainers worried about it. I have a theory why this is.

So in other words, AIs couldn’t win World War 1.

He sussed out the sinister Chinese plot to learn how Americans build batteries! They were going to SEND US SCHEMATICS FOR BATTERIES, and even worse, PAY US TO BUILD THEM!

Weirdly I just googled budgets for federal policing and China outspends the US by 10 times. Then again, police and military costs are usually per capita which renders that reasoning - and yours - largely irrelevant. Not that the status of metropolitan policing in the US has any bearing on how trustworthy the Chinese

I said this when CA voted to ban ICS vehicles, but it bears repeating: If a legislative body tries to pass a law that will take effect after every member of that body has left office, that law is purely gestural and should not be taken seriously.

Oh my god dude Okay so

That’s probably a valid take. It kind of gives away the game that Clarkson, who has always playfully assumed the mantle of a rural-rube-come-middle-class-twit, gleefully dives into natty elitism when it suits him.

Here’s what I don’t get: I don’t like any of the royals. I don’t see why anyone needs them. I’m pretty sure Andrew is an awful old criminal. But like, I don’t defame them in news articles. I don’t write letters to The Times demanding Di be burned in effigy. I don’t call Anne up and tell her I’m glad her mom died. I

You’re not wrong. I think the issue was that Top Gear was at its best when it was TANGENTIALLY a show about cars that incorporated a lot of funny, and stopped being interesting when it was a dumb show with a little bit of car stuff. It’s like how Ghostbusters works as an extremely funny action/horror thriller, but

Be a media magnate but not a sex pest challenge (impossible)

This game has been in development hell since Eric Wolpaw was still working on it and posted the first trailer to PoE back in the day. I didn’t like what I saw back then and I’m shocked they’re still letting the IP drag on.

In Japan, steeper suburban roads are equipped with steam systems or radiant heating for de-icing. It’s a cool idea, but probably not practical to retrofit to America’s awful glut of roadways.

Be me
Ace AF pilot
Flying my SU-36 Super Flanker at my Grandpa’s cabin way out in the woods at winter time
Hear knock on canopy
Can’t hear engine noises, smell rotten meat stink
It’s a skinwalker, he wants my plane
Grab my Mosin and cut loose through the canopy
He lets go, don’t see him anymore
Land plane, grandpa

Yeah it turns out you don’t get cancelled for being a conservative as long as you aren’t a rude jackass, it’s so crazy.

Those both sound really plausible