Rayce Archer

Haha I don’t like Kid Rock and you can’t make me

When the BEST CASE is that your market turns out to be a Ponzi scheme, that’s probably a market you want to avoid.

The problem with holding wealth as crypto is that if you divest it for actual stable currency that you can use to buy real things, and do so in any significant amount, you devalue your crypto in the process. Like, say I found a boutique soda company. And it does so well that I make a deal with Coke where they buy me

I read a book AGES ago about anime and manga which brought up the heavy use of foreign-looking characters in Japanese pop media. The author made the interesting proposition that many characters who appear Western or Indian or African are in fact Japanese by code, and that the audience in Japan understands that, while

You’re walking the goalposts back a good deal there. To my stranger-in-the-rain eye, what you’re writing reads like typical techbro absolutism - either we accept everything and choose not to be offended by any of it, or we’re thought nazis, crushing other people with our relentless misguided drive for social justice.

I think I have the solution


Boseman was fine. But I don’t think he was IRREPLACABLE. They replace James Bond all the time, they replaced War Machine after Terrance Howard chased his girlfriend around the yard with a baseball bat, they recast Terpsichore between Down to Earth and Xanadu. It’s just a thing you can do.

“Here’s the workaround if you don’t want to show your vagina” is a great microcosm of the state of game development today.

I love how all these dumb kids were all “Elon is gonna save Twitter and the media isn’t even talking about it” and now that Elon is, somehow, ruining Twitter faster than it ruined itself, they’re all complaining the media is giving him too much attention. What a bunch of goofs.

Give them to local police departments like we did with all those MRAPs the marines couldn’t afford to service. They can mount deck guns on them and use them to ticket speedboaters.

Everything about that episode was brilliant. It really embodied the “old idiots fuck around, but also cars” energy that made Top Gear great, and failed to re-manifest in Grand Tour.

I think a subscription-gated social media network is probably a good idea in the progress toward a better curated experience. But - and big but here - you need to provide a quality of experience that puts that income to use. I’m talking no ads, full moderation, real-time support chat - you know, all the stuff you

That’s the kind of bonkers rock star shit we just don’t see enough of now, good for him.

I don’t know why they didn’t just cast a new dude. Killing a character offscreen is always awkward, doubly so when you’re only doing it because you think audiences are too stupid to understand a recast. If they want his sister to be black panther too, just have 2 black panthers. She already makes all the suits, of

I say lean into the problem. Run your supersonic plane with an arcjet so there’s a horrifying electrical scream the whole time it’s flying! And how do you power that? Nuclear reactor, duh!

You’re joking, but imagine a lifted Delica Mini with a high-torque engine swap just sliding around the desert, it would be awesome

Drake is pretty clearly just depraved and we should probably stop giving him money or access to minors.

So when people on social media go off on “WOAH ELON GONNA BRING BACK FREE SPEECH LETS GO” I’ve taken to asking them what they mean by “free speech.” Mostly they don’t answer, because of course what they mean is “I have a slur to say.” But a few folks give good faith answers and TO A ONE, their problem isn’t really