The very first post indicated “But no way in hell am I walking into a theater to see this, or any movie.”
The very first post indicated “But no way in hell am I walking into a theater to see this, or any movie.”
Yeah. It’s weird.
You voted for the OrangeIdiot didn’t you?
That’s the problem!
Aside from the tropes of that and previous decades, colors in comics and print at the time was extremely limited.
But as you know, the unwashed became the unvaccinated and Delta is now ruining life for everyone!
Those are the exact thoughts I expressed on a similar thread here recently. Been a fan of both stars, and the MCU… bought Master of Kung Fu off the spinner rack… but Delta is not something I’m willing to risk.
Kind of the same… not so much “forgot”, but with no press, more like “are they making any more? Is it ever coming back”
Oh I know, but as my spinner rack buying indicates my age, and a touch of asthma, I’m not interested in any aspect of this disease.
I really want to see this film because I’ve enjoyed Simu in “ kim’s convenience” and was picking Master of Kung Fu off the spinner rack back in the day…
I was a huge fan and knew she ceased output but had no idea she “retired” from music in 2013.
You should have won the Internet when you wrote that comment!!!
Sending very real and best wishes for her recovery!
I’m not sure why you think I give a F about you or your opinions.
Everything about this is petty AF on all levels, on all parties.
This is petty on the part of all parties.
Not “ageist” when it’s the goddamn truth!
Your comment is so well said.
Maybe if restaurants and other business decided to stop screening and testing for cannabis they could get staff…
This! 👆