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    Michael Bay already let it out of the bag. Only needs 1 shot to take out the Devastator who was destroy the pyramids; and providing time for sam to revive optimus prime

    wanted to drive ferraris (and fiats), instead of infinitis in his time off the track

    CA is a drought. The proper water-saving technique is to get over your qualms and if it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown flush it down. Or save the water from your shower in a bucket and either use it to flush or water your plants.

    well, you're better off just getting a dual-flush toilet, especially since it'd be subsidized.

    maybe you should try something different methods to meet new people, if everyone you're meeting in your current approach are just full of people you aren't getting along with.doing now is not working.

    yea right.
    If they are so down and can't even do "one small thing", how are they going to make the huge leap to find a psychiatrist and book a session with them? Get off your high horse where the answers are so simple to you.

    yea that bit that seems a bit of a lobby from the tire change/alignment industrial complex. They got to pay off their brand new hunter hawkeye elite rack somehow right!

    that beginning portion is more of a nod to klezmer music (traditional jewish music, think fiddler on the roof) more so than jazz. but yea, it's on purpose.

    sounds like someone needs to sign up for a Soylent account.

    not understanding logic of this outrage. it's his profession, article says he was General Manager which is a pretty high up position. Taking away his means to make a living isn't going to help him get better, but likely make him worse.

    it's not the cars that cause the problem, it's the drink. Your outrage would make

    agree, he didn't do shit. it's the pickup that got out of the way to give him extra following distance and time to slow down. If you time the following distance he was using, it's 1second for a lot of times, and 2seconds or less at other time. that's crap from a "safe-driving" perspective. Many around him are

    If you try to time the following distance for everyone in this video, by using objects it seems everyone is tailgating, and using a 1second or less gap. The camera lens makes some of the gaps bigger than usual, but the timing shows everyone is tailgating.

    minor correction-"how to move in the non-British world". If you're in a British commonwealth area then everything's reversed.

    they do if you consider that you many of the "regular" road bikes and mountain bikes have that feature.
    In automotive terms, this is like asking why don't all "regular" cars just have a battery and motor that you can plugin to get better MPG, or gps navigation. Buy a car with that feature and you get it

    if you're flying 4x a week, and still have to pay for upgrades you're doing something wrong.

    how the !*&# are you still flying coach if you're flying 4 times a week.

    Playing Musk's "nationality" card is pretty weak.
    Tesla's main issue would not because of Musk is born somewhere else, it'd be because it isn't "Major".
    It hasn't even competed in other similar bids such as a police car buildoff, how can it have time/resources to build the presidential one-off limo when it can't even

    um you just rent a car, or call uber (or a coworker) to drop you off at the car rental place?
    Same thing can happen to you if your car breaks down while a tragedy happens. Having a gas car doesn't remove this risk.

    a not so talked about benefit of an electric charge is that the electricity is like the dot-com buzz of the 2000s.

    would've worked, except that it's not the true story
    Like everyone knows there's no nobel prize for math because gauss slept with nobel's wife or some thing like that right?