
Congratulations! You aren’t insane enough to let a video game influence you to kill someone! ;) There are a few people are mentally ill enough to take a page from video games or movies or whatever and go wipe out a bunch of people, but the secret is, the video game is NOT AT FAULT. Neither is the gun really. I suspect

By the same token, I’m male, been playing video games all my life, and owned guns for 12 years and I have never killed, raped, stole, or anything else. If the logic works for you with video games, then it should work for me with both. Mental health is the issue. If you have a mental health issue, violent media will

Everybody is a nazi nowdays

Haha, I’ve played half those games and have never assaulted, injured, decapitated or shot anyone in real life. Go figure.

Good to see the liberal echo chamber is still alive and well. Trumps doing exactly what he promised and was elected to do. Shoes on the other foot now. Looking forward to the next four years.