
Bryan you’ve once again demonstrated a complete lack of understanding of the concept of trolling. Prior to this nonsense he was making Nazi jokes to be irreverent, now he’s making Nazi jokes because it pisses you (and countless other MSM journalists) off and then you give him free publicity. Obviously this has hurt

*Throws arms in the air*

Truly the PC is the one true gaming platform for all of your dick pic and booby needs. No dicks for you dirty peasants.

From what I understand, a structural flaw was intentionally included in an exhaust port by one of the engineers, in protest against the politics of the Empire ;)

Advertisers shouldn’t even be with these assclown, talent less pieces of shit. Fuck Youtubers and the fad of child entertainers. Fuck anyone who monetarily supports the disgusting eco system, and fuck you for thinking any of this is good for society. Seriously, fuck you.

Meanwhile, the sponsored posts are healthy as ever.

To be fair, the WSJ article about PewDiePie was a context-free hit job. It couldn’t not have been an intentional hit piece. However, at the same time, the jokes that PewDiePie made are going to make companies like Disney and YouTube drop you because it’s going to piss a lot of people off.

It’s just digital McCarthyism.

Holy Shit, so much God damn drama from Lets Players.

TL;DR people are outraged over other people’s lack of outrage?

It’s a mature reading of the situation that relies on nuance to make its point.

Honestly this could be a good thing, now he doesnt have so many heads leaning over him, he can do more content he wants now since some of his contracts dropped him. Lower income maybe, but he probably made enough to retire anyway and now he can just do whatever the hell he wants essentially.

You making light of the molestation of innocent children fam? WTF are you? Pwediepie or some shit? They need to make an article about you next.

Oh shit dude, you called him pee pee pie instead of his actual username, holy shit man, send him to the intensive burn unit because you just fucking roasted him with your top notch banter.


I am delighted that I have never heard of this guy before and have missed the whole mess. (You people talk about getting old like it’s a BAD thing!)

It’s too bad they don’t take public action against all the actual white male supremacists using their site to spread viral hatred...

I’m not at all surprised by this. It will be interesting to hear Felix’s response today. I wouldn’t be surprised if he takes time off to figure things out. Also, does anyone happen to know if the new office he moved in to was due to his deal with Maker Studios or was it just a coincidence it was previously a Disney

Every time I heard about this guy, he always seemed like he wanted to quit but seemed to be stuck. If that was the case, I guess he got his wish.