
Canada CLOSED A LOOPHOLE THAT US DAIRY FARMERS WERE USING TO GET THEIR PRODUCT INTO THE COUNTRY. You don’t get to create new tariffs under our trade agreement. You only get to keep the ones that we excluded.

The US dairy industry hasn’t failed.

You act like having a reason for fucking over one of Canada’s biggest trade partner makes it all okay. Canada fucked the US dairy industry over. Farmers were part of Trumps voting base. Trump noticed and let’s see how this goes down. My guess is Canada gets fucked which is why they are in an uproar about it.

Ok and Canada’s move has backfired. We will see how well Canada can do without the US as it’s major trading partner. This is fucking business not let’s pretend friends and secretly fuck each other over. Trump is a business man. You might not like his methods but he’s kinda good at this shit. Good luck Canada.

Auto manufacturers have been getting around that tariff for decades and we’ve done nothing to stop them. US dairy farmers were getting around the tariff and Canada stopped them like last year. That is why this is happening now.

You do realize that most of his base is rural America and lots of rural Americans both are farmers or know farmers or have family that are farmers. This is actually exactly what he said he’d do while campaigning. Try to help rural Americans. I’m actually surprised a politician is following through on their word.

He cares because someone in the diary industry told him what happened. They closed a loophole that the US dairy industry was using to get product into Canada. This happened very recently. That’s why all of this started.

Listen, this is probably what happened. Farmers complained to Trump about Canada closing the loophole that let them sell more of their product in Canada. He is trying to help them out because he said he would. The loophole was just recently closed and the WTO ruling is from a long time ago, at least that I know of.

What you are thinking about isn’t the issue that Trump is talking about and anyways the US “won” that ruling and the WTO decided that Canada was illegally propping up their dairy industry.

The US dairy industry was until just recently exporting milk to Canada in a way that got around the 270% tariff. The Canadian government closed that loophole. That’s what started all of this. Get off your high horse and go actually read something about why all this is happening. Canada started this shit in order to

Then let’s go out and shoot some dairy farmers. What the fuck do you want to do? These people are trying to make a living. Canada is fucking them over to artificially prop up their dairy industry. The point of a free trade agreement is to stop countries from doing shit like that. We have a free trade agreement with

Do you REALLY think that Jeff Besos(not sure if I spelled his name correctly) does zero charitable work? Like, you look deep inside of yourself and think of humanity and that we are all human beings and so is Jeff and you say to yourself that this man is ridiculously rich and does ZERO to help the world? Or do you

It’s about 270% tariff on milk products. Trump is actually doing what he said he would do and he’s trying to help farmers.

Canada has had a 270% tariff on imported milk for a long time. We have a free-trade agreement with Canada. The very point of a free-trade agreement is that you can’t tax things at ridiculous rates in an effort to keep them out of your country. This tariff is hurting the US milk industry. Trump is actually doing what

I like how people are responding like THEY KNOW THE RIGHT ANSWER. I AM CORRECT! We don’t know. We don’t know what the fuck depression is and we don’t know why people just randomly kill themselves. I think most people have seriously thought about killing themselves at one point but even I don’t know that is a fact. We

If that were the case then nobody would buy it and a 270% tariff would be unnecessary.

You realize Trump is a professional negotiator, right? If he’s good at anything it’s negotiating deals. He knows what a shitty deal looks like and he knows a good deal. He knows when he’s getting fucked over.

No, it’s to protect the dairy market and that is the only reason. It’s exactly what the free trade agreement is supposed to keep the countries from doing.

We have a beef with Canada because they impose a 270% tariff on milk products coming into the country. There was some weird loophole on the tariff that US farmers were using to get their products into the country. The Canadian farmers bitched so the Canadian government closed the loophole. This has severely impacted

She’s a cosmetic surgeon, easy on the healer bullshit. Most doctors aren’t healers, they are dispensers of pharmaceuticals.