
I went to wikipedia because of your comment and read the plot, it sounds as batshit as you would expect a Kojima game to sound on paper. 

try Ssamjang. gochujang isn’t a sauce it’s more like a concentrated flavor paste. ssamjang is a straight up sauce made with mostly gochujang that koreans put on stuff lettuce wraps. it’s great. 

The issue with being a minority is that people only see you as that one thing that makes you different. You live your life with people pointing out the fact that you aren’t like them constantly. You should treat people like people and not like a singular distinguishing characteristic. I get it that white people don’t

I think what they are saying is that it’s frustrating to still have that addressed and something out of the ordinary when it’s really not anymore. I think at this point in society we all know and have loved ones who are gay. Being gay isn’t our definition of them, they are people with lives and their own stories to

Never go full retard

Yes, they are. The people who are crossing the border are brought here by human traffickers. They charge a lot of money for the service, they are called coyotes... these coyotes are more often than not affiliated with violent gangs like MS-13(it’s actually one of the ways MS-13 makes their money). This is why you have

The problem is that you people think that the democratic party is hard left. It’s not. You don’t have the numbers and old people are conservative just because the old days were more conservative. 

The democratic party is fracturing. Old vs young. The problem is that young people have NEVER voted in large numbers and probably never will. This swell of political activity is happening two years too early. They should’ve waited. The young will be back to voting at 45% by the time the Presidential election arrives

Because you people don’t fucking actually care. It’s all internet rage and back-patting. You are the worst kind of activists because in 3 days when the internet is done with this issue none of you will give a fuck. You guys do this shit to make yourselves feel better and if it was blasted into your phone every 30

MS-13 isn’t considered a gang. It IS a street gang. It’s not some little gang from a couple of blocks in LA. There are a lot of members all over North and Central America and they don’t just make money smuggling people. They also murder people for the cartels, the cartels hire them because they are evil, ruthless

I believe what this idiot Huckabee was doing was poking fun at Pelosi’s defending MS-13 members. Nobody should defend MS-13. They are fucking scum and terrorists. I totally get that most of America doesn’t know what MS-13 is or the levels of their garbageness but it’s not an excuse. Maybe look up why Trump was calling

Yeah, you have no idea how many children MS-13 has murdered over the last decade. It gets worse if you look at MS-13 activity in El Salvador which is exactly what a lot of these illegal immigrants are running from.

I agree with y0u but we REALLY need to figure out how to keep MS-13 members from coming back into the country. I grew up in El Paso, TX. Most of these illegal immigrants are the salt of the earth. Honestly, we could learn a lot about happiness and fulfillment from these people. The gang members are a serious problem

You really should do some research on MS-13 before speaking about them. They are known for murdering children. So, yeah MS-13 would definitely separate children from their parents as a political bargaining chips. Gang politics is just a different form of politics. 

They weren’t deporting US citizens and the article you referenced doesn’t even say that was happening. MS-13 is a problem. Much like many of our problems, it was created and spread in the US by the US. That doesn’t change the fact that MS-13 is mostly illegal immigrants and they are responsible for a lot of the


Yeah, no shit because the American media loved Obama and hates Trump. It did not get the same play. That’s not an excuse. You don’t get to claim ignorance when your country is murdering children.
I’m pointing out the bias. That’s the whole point of this.

There weren’t protests on the same scale as what is going on today. You know this. I’m not here to stir the pot. I’m here to tell you people that you are doing the EXACT same shit that the moron republicans were doing during the Obama administration.

I did protest it. I talked about it with people who I thought would care. It was very upsetting to me that America just looked the other way. I like Obama. I still think he was a great President. It is very upsetting to me to see these people so concerned for children now that an asshole is our president.
And it’s not

Aww, someone points out your own hypocrisy and you want violence? I’m surprised.