
She wasn’t dead. I already said this. This is not the bathroom she died in which is probably what everyone thinks. This picture is from YEARS before her death. When everyone close to her knew she had a fucking problem but nobody was doing anything about it. Push and Kayne aren’t the fucking reason Whitney is dead. Her

That’s the whitest sentence I’ve ever heard.

A MEMBER OF WHITNEY HOUSTON’S FAMILY sold that shit to the tabloids. That’s the only reason it’s out there. It’s not a comment on the fucking tabloids, idiot.

*Note to self* never name drop Push’s fiancee.

Don’t be salty because you are a boring ass person that can’t handle a little heat.

Is it not the cocaine you are upset about? It’s not the bathroom she died in if that’s what you are thinking. In fact, the fucking picture was sold to the tabloids by a member of her family. It was plastered all over every single grocery store in the country for about a week.

They don’t like democrats because democrats are condescending assholes that think they are intelligent because they went to college. Greatest lie America has ever told itself. Those little letters after your name mean anything. And you don’t want to get into a smarty pants contest with me. I will win.

roseanne is jewish

Roseanne is jewish.

If you need to order a 0 on the spicy scale you don’t like thai food. Don’t order asian food in general.

The man’s name is PUSHA T... as in drug pusher and he raps about slinging cocaine non-stop. How is Houston’s fucking bathroom(mind you it’s not the bathroom she died in which is probably what you are thinking) any worse?

It was Kanye’s idea. He’s producing all the albums coming out from GOOD music and they are all 7 tracks long.

It was Kanye’s idea. He’s producing all the albums coming out in the next couple of months and they are all 7 tracks long.

Kanye made every single beat on that album

You realized he personally made every single beat on that album?

You realize he’s not a genius, right? He doesn’t actually design rockets and cars and ways to burrow underground and shit like that. He hires smart people do that shit for him. He wrote a website and got filthy rich off of it. I don’t think that makes you a genius.

You do realize that more white people are killed by police every year than black people, right? If fact it’s actually damn near double.

The involvement of the natives is over-exaggerated.

They also enslaved and murdered some of them

because i read