
I doubt GGG would be rich without boxing. I hate statements like this. These men and women would be boxing either way. If we watch they get rich being boxers. If we don’t they would just be poor fighters getting their faces bashed in for next to nothing. None of these people are stupid. They know what they are getting

I thought it was a draw and I still think that if Alvarez wouldn’t have ridden the ropes so fucking much he would’ve won. He was definitely backing up for strategic reasons but it just looked bad giving up that ground to someone that will just eat your hardest punch and smile and nod at you. I’m a huge GGG fan and I

Hmmmm.... I wonder why they do that shit in America? I don’t know maybe because it makes money and sells tickets. American companies pandering to their fan bases??? No way.

Now playing

No, he can’t. Listen to the fucking chorus. His singing on this tour was TERRIBLE.

One more cup of coffee. Go listen to ANY live version of that song. Or Sara. Or the rolling thunder revue. He stopped making folk music after 1965(Royal Albert Hall Era). So his voice didn’t change. The music became more dynamic and his voice didn’t really keep up very well. You are arguing about Dylan with someone

Sorry, I meant live post royal albert hall. Listen I get that you don’t listen to hip-hop and you probably think whatever music you listen to is better. Kanye is an important figure in hip-hop.

Haha. I love Bob Dylan. I know his entire catalog. You are cherry picking. Try listening to a live album if you are going to shit on Kanye for singing live. The guy can’t sing for shit. He’s an amazing song writer. So is Tom Waits and Tom Waits is NOT A SINGER. There’s a reason why the most well known versions of

Because he’s a musician. You know there’s a man name Bob Dylan who can’t sing for shit but won a fucking nobel prize because of his music? He’s been getting on stage for 50+ years and trying to sing and not a god damn one of his fans would call him a singer. I know you dumb fucks just want to shit on people who

He’s not a singer. Idiot.

You don’t think it’s a least a little insulting to the current NFL players to assume they don’t understand the risks and take those into consideration when deciding whether or not the millions they make a year are worth it?

Because you are doing the same thing to men that you see in these idiots and are disgusted(as you should be by their rantings). Don’t treat people like objects necessary to fulfill some idealized dream of how your life should be and get upset when they don’t go along with your plan. We are all complex human beings

This woman either has a disease that causes her testosterone levels to be at the low end level for men OR she’s intersex and doesn’t exactly fall into the category of a woman from a biology standpoint. This is different from Phelps... unless you consider being ugly as fuck a disease.

As I understand, there was a point where you could tell the source of the testosterone. So, you could say “hey this guy is taking fake test” but now with the new versions they can’t tell what’s from unnatural sources or not and they just go by testosterone levels. (You see this a lot in fighting sports.) So, they have

Stop having women’s sports.

They test for testosterone in men and women. A man with elevated testosterone will not be allowed to compete. Injecting yourself with testosterone is a way that male athletes(and female athletes) gain a competitive advantage over others. This woman is naturally producing elevated levels of testosterone which basically

Already taxed. There are 300 million guns in this country. There are a LOT of people in this country that grew up around guns and don’t have a problem with it.

Have you been paying attention to the past 3 wars(err... 4. Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam and Korea) the US has gotten into with armies that are basically armed with AK-47s and RPGs? We’ve lost all of them. Modern warfare isn’t about tanks and planes and predator drones. It’s guerrilla warfare and it has been for a VERY

Fuck you, douche. Self righteous twat. Why don’t you not try to tell a minority how they should feel about their place in society? This is the fucking problem with you people, you see that everyone else is struggling and you start to act like you are too. Fuck off with that shit. Some of us out here have spent their

Don’t help him... if he can’t figure it out then maybe he just shouldn’t have kids.

I was making a ridiculous statement that affirms your argument by showing how people do that all the time in everyday life.