
You can’t get elected without being more of the same. The game is set. You either play the game or don’t.
Vocal support of Palestine when you know nothing about the situation(and you are a politician) is also not a good move.

Why do I know USADA doesn’t allow IVs?

That was the douchiest statement I’ve ever read. You’ve never come within 100 feet of a legitimate crime.

The sportscenter people literally have silly catchphrases. Nobody takes them seriously. 

Is this illegal? I honestly don’t know.

It’s like a snake eating it’s own tail. 

i thought it was all-wheel drive

I'd give my left nut to live in an area where $60k is a medium size house.

Why would anybody buy this car??? You could just buy 2 Mustang GTs.

yeah i got lost in the internet for a second.

oh god why do you bastards keep bringing up this argument!!!!!!

mustangs don't have balls because they are cars and all cars are female.

cause i don't like mustangs?

Evidence: dead person and no weapon found on the dead person or in car of dead person.

getting fucked for your money is never going to feel the same as getting fucked because she's can't help herself.

the whole "what are you?" thing never bothered me. i don't know why. i tell people i'm genetically superior to them now as kind of a dig for asking the question though...

the person who buys a $20 H&M purse that falls apart after 3 weeks. their things are cheap pieces of shit.

that's like 100 mustangs.

but HORSEPOWER!!!!!! There are quite a lot of people on here where that is the sole measure of a car.

no shit. didn't know that. i've only had small crappy cars though so... yeah.