rawr rawr rawr rawr

it’s faster 0-60, quarter mile and around the ring. i’m not going to quote times because obviously you know how to work the internet. also, when you get to THAT FAST(both cars are amazingly quick) small differences are all you are going to get and it amazes me that people constantly point to that car as the “why would

and they both would be slower than the m4 gts.

you do realize an m4 was ALREADY faster than a gt350?

lemme guess... why buy a technological marvel that is this bmw when you could get a mustang gt350 for that price?

I love crazy. Nothing quite like it in the world.

and yet everyone knows it’s better equipped than a mustang gt350

whats a portland? there’s no such thing as a portland....

because audi, much like bmw, is marketed as a luxury brand(and also are at a similar price point). audi builds their cars on the vw platform(MBQ) but sells them for $10k more than a jetta but in your mind there is no difference because budget luxury cars don’t exist.... because you are a fucking moron.

So by your count a VW Jetta and an Audi A3 are the exact same thing??? People pay $10k more for another car for fake leather and the same hard plastic as the VW Jetta. Fuckin moron.

and a base ford mustang comes with cloth seats. thank you for making my point for me. have a great day.

edit edit edit

3400 lbs isn’t bloated these days.

It’s a god damned luxury car. BMW is a luxury car brand. People expect fast super comfy cars from them.

The BMW is a luxury car... a Ford Mustang is not. I don’t get what people don’t understand about that fact.

yeah imagine if holm somehow manages to lose to tate??? the clusterfuck to end all clusterfucks.

My basic point is the gulf in skill difference between holm and ronda is about the same as ronda and everyone else.


do you live in the middle of fucking nowhere?

if ronda managed to take holm down even once i’d change that to a 7/10 because that is the only place where she’s got the advantage. and it’s not like she got beat like aldo did... she had time and a second round to try something different but she didn’t and she got knocked the fuck out.

holm knocks ronda out 9 out of 10 times and ronda isn’t get 10 chances at beating holm. it’s a street fighting brawler going against a trained championship level boxer who obviously has decent takedown defense. with holm and the polish destroyer in the lower weight class the women’s divisions will step their games up