rawr rawr rawr rawr

Go fuck yourself and your bullshit of you knowing what a majority of Americans like to eat.

No. These are pretty fucking good. I saw this a couple months ago and this is the only way I’ll eat eggs right now.

don’t season the eggs before cooking. also, don’t whip your eggs too much.

poor people food.

You seem oddly concerned for a record label.

Just think of how many more people there would be in the world if mosquitoes weren’t around. We would’ve already destroyed the world two times over if it weren’t for them.

am I crazy or is that Pittsburgh?

If you can read this roll me over.

you don’t understand the concept of straw man. a straw man is a sham argument that is easily defeated using the same logic that is enforcing the initial argument thus invalidating the logical foundation of the initial argument. there is no logic behind their argument. “i got fucked when i was 13 and was okay with it

Hawaii wasn’t a fucking state until the 1950s, dumbass. And you are lying about living in Georgia. HOLY SHIT!!!!! your narrative of things being different in the 1970s which was in response to someone else’s bullshit about things being different in the 1970s and somehow both of you are from Georgia????? SOMEONE IS

“Nor is this some purely modern invention. The ages of consent throughout the country were apparently 10 or 12 throughout much of the 1800s; they then rose to 16 or 18 by 1920"

It is scientifically proven that stupid people are in fact easy to entertain.

Wow. You don’t believe in statutory rape??? HOLY SHIT. You should tell all of the people you know this fact and see exactly how they react.

What I’m angry about is stupid people who have no idea how to properly form an argument. Don’t argue with me if your point doesn’t make any sense. My initial response was a questions but more of a rhetorical question. Then, when you are obviously losing the argument you dive-bomb into “oh well who said exactly what I

Well... nobody gives a fuck about what happens in your backwater bullshit country. David Bowie molested children in America.

and you are defending someone that’s saying it’s okay to fuck 13 year olds if they want it.

The LOWEST age of consent in America is 16. So, either you are lying your way through this thing and it never happened the way you presented it or you are fucking stupid.

Just because you don’t understand why that’s rape doesn’t make it not rape and those much older men you slept with are CREEPY AS FUCK and deserve jail time regardless of the fact that you wanted it or not. It’s not rape because of how you felt, it’s rape because an adult in his 20s is not supposed sleep with 13 year

so because you got raped it’s okay???? yea, that’s how shit works....