rawr rawr rawr rawr

GT3 RS nurburgring time 7 mins and 20 seconds

He knows he will lose his job if he doesn’t at least try to do something.

I already argued lap times. The GT3 RS is hands down faster both in a straight line and around a track than the GT350R. You said it yourself that they benchmarked the fucking GT350R against an inferior GT3(compared to the GT3 RS). The GT350R isn’t be meant to be better than the GT3 RS. It’s meant to be better than the

Am I an asshole for automatically assuming these people weren’t white? Not due to the kid in the trunk thing but more the fact that someone called the cops about it. Can’t really tell from the video.

The school does have a responsibility to provide an environment that is both comfortable and welcoming. The students pay them lots of money to provide an environment where they can focus on their studies.

You really are fucking stupid. SO because the Ford engineers used a Porsche that isn’t even the one we are talking about to benchmark their car you think that they are similarly marketed? Not to mention that you could buy the GT3 and the GT350R for about the price of the GT3 RS. I think you’d be $16k short. Did I

North America is a continent. It includes Mexico, Central America and Northern America. Mexico is not a part of Central America.

I’m not buying either but I’m also not stupid enough to think that there’s a lot of cross shopping between Fords and Porsches.

Do you know what the base price is on a ford mustang? How about a porsche 911? And you honestly don’t think those two cars are catering to different crowds? and you think that people go to a ford dealership to go check out the new 2015 mustang before they drop $100k on a porsche? or do you just know absolutely nothing

Nobody that’s even thinking about buying a $200,000 Porsche is going to buy a $60,000 Mustang. I’m sorry but they exist in different worlds.

i want a gt4 so much.

5 grams of mushrooms(dried) is considered a heroic dose. the idea is lock yourself in a room, eat 5 grams and you’ll come out the other side a different person.

it was wet. totally different.

yeah i’m excited for ford. that engine sounds amazing. and they finally figured out that turning is important. it’s just the whole american “oh well i’d rather have a ford” thing is stupid. they aren’t even in the same class. the GT4 now that’s an interesting matchup. lighter and less power vs the heavy engined

Also, I think a better comparison would be the Cayman GT4.

it pisses me off because i don’t understand these fucking comparisons. it’s absolutely retarded. they are different cars that can both drive really well and they’d both kill me. but when you get down to it the porsche out performs(in all aspects except for engine size) anything ford, chevy and dodge can throw at it

The above car is a Porsche GT3 RS. You can bench mark the GT35oR against whatever random car in your head but the one EVERYBODY else is talking about is the Porsche GT3 RS. The Porsche GT3 RS is faster than a GT350R both in a straight line AND around the ring. To your point, the Porsche GT3 is faster 0-60 than the

i don’t know what you are smoking. it’s not faster. it doesn’t even have more horsepower. they are both about the same horsepower rating and the porsche is lighter. so the porsche is faster. by a lot.

Never mind, I was responding to the gt350r beating the porsche but now i see you said it would beat the gts. makes sense. the viper is insane but its still a dodge.

because then you’d have to drive a dodge. i don’t understand why you people don’t get the fact that these cars are for different people.