
Evs have significantly less power that ICE vehicles, especially trucks. The

You forgotto add a few more creeps like your Hollywood friends who gave away their money to Bernie Madoff!

But that is what the Brits voted for, a socialist government.

I know there might be a few patriots left in CA but I am still so happy to see their gas prices go off the charts!

You have things backwards, friend. The main blame for this assault on America, is ol’ Joe Biden.

First off, do not pull a weapon unless you are going to use it.

52% of murders in the U.S. are committed by blacks, who make up 13% of the population!

Would the fact that blacks are killin’ each other like meerkats introduce a bias into these statistics?

Against who/what? But you want to be a part of that which you deride!

BS. Ever hear of he ‘said- she said?’

There is something humorous about an appeal that seeks to direct an agent of the government to abide by a doubtful interpretation of the Constitution by an illegal immigrant whose life is dedicated to debasing the very country he seeks to become a citizen of!

Sorry, wet dreamers, you already had your chance and Obama blew it (among other things, we hear!).

Once upon a time, against my better judgment, I travelled to NYC.

Why the profanity? Don’t you know enough non-offensive words to express your feelings on this story?

You mean the one that ensures that all of the rest will not be ignored?

Hey sissyboy, stop whining like a little girl!