


Definitely the better of their two hits.

Well, she was definitely not born like other girls.

Hey! Still popular in my car.

Mildly popular in the mid-90s?

Man, I’ve recently realized how much I miss a lot of the commentors that used to be in these reviews that aren’t here anymore. Especially now that this special reveals that Earth IS NOT the only place with non-Gem lifeforms. BRING ON THE SNAKE PEOPLE! Ronaldo must continue to be right!

Totally with you on The Constant. Also loved the season 2 opening scene, and the way it brought the viewer back into the series from a whole new angle.

I love this show so much, warts and all. It was one of the first shows that I watched while the internet realized they could dissect ongoing media in online forums. It was great to watch and great to dissect. It was the first truly “modern,” show, in the way that it pretty much informed how lots of folks watch shows

Make Your Own Kind Of Music remains burned in my skull.

This administration is like a hotel bar cover band playing the greatest hits of the Nixon, Reagan, and GW Bush administrations just louder and out-of-tune.



I thought it was Darth Cirrhosis?

Coincidentally, it’s also what happens when 2 teenage girls have a falling out.

Trump has also issued a writ of mandamus ordering the stable doors be closed, and is currently seeking the whereabouts of his horse.

“hitting the Force lightning” is SUCH A GOOD EUPHEMISM and I will be stealing that immediately and absolutely using it on the daily (thank you for making my day!)

If these two crazy kids can’t make it, then no one can.

When you sue someone for violating an NDA, yep, that pretty much confirms everything was true.

That’s DARTH Leprous to you, you Rebel Scum!