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    My friends are still going to share stories the way they always have: by pasting ugly great URLs into status updates, Twitter-style. Sigh.

    Avail now for 3G/3GS. I realise saying that on a Giz comment board is like saying 'it's available now for the Nokia 5110', but some of us are still rocking it 2008-style.

    That's pretty much the only change they could make for the iPhone 5 that would really get me excited.


    It appears to work. I don't consider 'not having to spend £500 because I dropped my iPhone while taking a piss' a 'gimmick'.


    Quite apart from the merits of the case itself- which looks pretty great - I kinda love this video. A very human advert.

    The key word is 'similar'. As in, 'like the HTC phones'. As in, 'software manufacturers can do this so why would we invest loads of time and money into doing it ourselves?'

    As far as I'm concerned the right time to leave voicemail is any time someone has a voicemail option. If you don't want voicemail, turn the damn service off. Or at least include a warning in your message that you only listen every few days or something. It's becoming socially acceptable to invite people to leave you a

    Rly? With 600 pixels of width? That must be, er, fun?

    So its 'only affiliation' with Sony is that it owns half of it? Yeah. Minor.

    It's the lack of Dropbox sync that keeps me on Elements. The Dropbox sync for Simplenote is nice, but premium-only.

    One more thing from the iPad I'd desperately like to see in an Android tablet: the 4:3 screen ratio.

    I actually think the automatic check-in and check-in reminder options are pretty big. Plus the fact that everyone has Google Maps already without running a separate app, though the iPhone doesn't have that.

    Of course, number 9 is going to be true of not just the Dell but every 16:9 tablet, at least until the res gets high enough that you have 1024 pixels on the narrow edge.

    Even better, if you use Chrome there are two extensions, Later on Kindle and Send to Kindle, which do this without going through instapaper. each appears as an individual article on the kindle, it works through email and you can use the free address if you have a K3.

    @Klappstuhl: I find your hatred of the keyboard/touchpad combo honestly fascinating. What do you like, keyb & mouse or something more esoteric?

    @m1ndtr1p: Who is this 'we'? Nobody is saying everyone has to use an iPad-style tablet. You can hate them, that's fine. But I think you need to face the reality that the vast majority feel the other way.