I'd love to see Jay-Z on that show. And then I'd love to see J pistol whip him in the parking lot afterward.
I'd love to see Jay-Z on that show. And then I'd love to see J pistol whip him in the parking lot afterward.
Sorry, Mobama. Ben fanboying out to Letters to Cleo won the episode!
They may have faked a cheating scandal, but you can't hide the alcohol bloat in Dean's face that comes from hosting Chopped Canada, living out of a suitcase at some fleabag hotel, raiding the minibar and talking yourself out of putting a revolver to your mouth night after night, putting an end to your slow suicide…
Agreed. Driving around in that Escalade and picking out fabrics with her friends...woe is her. It's a slam in the face of real single moms who work two crappy jobs trying to keep the lights on.
Me too! Omg Jami Gertz is on the list. Lol
"please know that this is how our family has lived for seven years"
"Of course no one is pro abortion"
Um, why? It's maybe not ideal just because there is a slight risk of complication, but I consider myself pro-abortion in the same way I'm pro-birth control. I feel like the "Well, no one LIKES abortion..." mindset is giving too much credit to the anti-scientific "well, maybe fetuses…
I have a 4 year old girl, and life is EXACTLY like that!
She's either dancing or jumping on/bouncing off the furniture.
It's pretty fun. She's taught me the importance of dance breaks.
I can't believe I keep watching this. This show's getting worse, right? I'm not making that up, am I?
Agreed. And the whole time I was reading that article I was thinking about the woman who bled into the bikini in the first place, wondering if she had an awful "accident" and had to scramble to ask strangers for tampons or walk back to her car with a sweatshirt wrapped around her ass.
Understandably shaken, Pauline asked to speak to a manager, who pulled her aside and gave her some hand sanitizer and a 30% off coupon. No one took her name down, no one offered to follow up with her.
Diane Court doesn't go out with guys like you. She's a brain. Trapped in the body of a game show hostess.
Really!? You don't know who Ione Skye is?!?
Random thoughts after last night's show... I hate how they call it the "Republic". When Mellie and Andrew started making out and the camera panned to the first lady portraits, all I could think was "those judgy eyes!". The upper torso shots of Olivia are really killing our access to full length wardrobe shots. Boooo!
Clothing at Target has never been great. When they first opened I tried the clothes on by alleged designer Isaac Mizrahi only to find that a size 14 was really a 10. Target hates fat people just like Abercrombie. When will clothes for larger sized women be designed by larger sized women? Like, never, because we are…
My scifi inclination is telling me that those anti-vaccer's have allowed the polio virus to incubate and mutate in humans, such that the efficacy of the old vaccine is diminished.