
I think the more scarier aspect is the fact that "no such law exists" . Which means this hospital is just making this shit up as they go along and expect people to just heed their sign without any questions.

"Because if you could condense the Great Depression into a taste sensation, the result would be malted milk. It tastes like the physical act of waiting in a bread line." I have nothing intelligent to add to this amazeballs description other than I shot water out of my nose and onto my keyboard..so thank you?

God, would someone please put the 16 candles grandparents groping scene on here!

My husband was watching and turned to me and said "SO her name isn't even Cleo??"

I have watched that bit 3 times this morning and keep cracking up..adorable!

Is French Montana a new perfume?

Wow a Missouri thread on Jezebel with a Schafly shout out! Gee where did you go to high school

"her obstetrician wasn't helpful and didn't seem to know what to do"..FUCK THIS! My OB's office called me after my difficult pregnancy every day for a week to see how I was doing and kept the communication lines open...and when I finally DID need help they wasted no time in putting me on anti depressant..now I know

I always loved that Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins re wrote the whole dialougue in the hotel room between Louise and Jimmy...it is such a human conversation. And Sarandon is flawless

Her eyes look so old...thats what happens when you work with Robin Williams I guess

Yes this is what it boils down too..kids are KIDS and cannot control the cleanliness of their own bodies and clothes..PARENTS need to do their job and make sure their children are clean..If you have stained or older clothes so what..but at least have them clean and without odor.

I feel like the next scene is her getting backhanded

When I had my 2nd kiddo it was an emergency situation..which normally means a C section. I had my tubes tied (was going to get it done anyway cause 3 kids..no) because as my Dr said "We are already in there". I wonder if her situation was so bad they couldn't even do a tubal on her?

Robin Williams said he was doing this show basically because he gots to pay for 2 expensive divorces...I watched about 5 minutes of it and that was more than enough

Waldorff Astoria Residence...Nice window unit

A happy mommy = happy children

on my last maternity leave I developed such severe post partum depression..I felt such disconnect from everything and everyone..being back at work and both kids in full time pre school/day care is THE BEST thing for my family..my kids have structure and socialization all day and I have my job which is actually pretty

Oh I loved Vicky! Marley was Such a goody goody!

Holy Crap that is like like...rendering me a blobbing incoherent mess...everything is in it...Who will play Kevin in the movie??

AND Albert came back to Walnut Grove as a Dr.....but before that he died!