
Kotaku’s only in it for the clicks as usual. No research.

I think the final fantasy brave exviusguywill be there too.

Its the casuals who assume things.

Next thing you know, we’ll be seeing Marvel characters coming in lol

If Tenshinhan’s triangular kikoho doesn’t make a square hole in the ground, I’m gonna be very disappointed

This needs to happen

So death by snu snu?

From the headline alone, I thoughy he broke down a wall and ate her

Reminds me of Dragon Ball: The Path to Power. That movie, although being released after DBZ, retold the earlier parts of the original Dragon Ball series.

It looks like one of those ‘Imma tie you to a train track’ kinda mustache.

Shou Tucker didn’t die...he just went to a world where he could be the ‘very best’.

To an extent I can understand Greninja and his ties to Japanese culture. However I still cannot fathom how sylveon beat Rayquaza, Charizard and Mewtwo!!!