
One of the details of the accusations that is usually glossed over is that Mia Farrow's brother is in jail for child molestation: http://www.nbcwashington.co…

I wonder what that makes Jonah Ray?

What, you don't want a polka version of the theme?

Or every time a bear rapes him.

I tried jogging while listening to CBB…never again! I do listen to it when walking to work, and it never fails to get me some odd glances as I try not to burst out laughing.

"The best movie of the year!"

The one thing to keep in mind about the ratings is that the method to measure them is outdated with the current trends of watching shows online. I'm guessing the audience for Hannibal is a younger demographic and therefore does not watch the show live.

Well, I wouldn't dismiss it like that, since it's about a hurt individual trying to rebound with a relationship where he could control his lover (or at least he believes those are the terms). The main character could have just as easily been a woman, which is a version of the movie I might actually would have

Twin Peaks - Episode 14 : Where Laura Palmer's killer is revealed as well as *spoilers* cousin Maddie being murdered. I remember watching that episode with a group of friends and after it ended we were quiet for a while, just feeling bummed out. That murder scene is pretty horrific.
You could also argue for the Season

Is there a joke in that speech that I'm missing (other than just…repetition)? I feel like I'm missing something…


This sounds amazing. How much are tickets?

I am so thankful that wasn't the finale. Would have been like Twin Peaks all over again.

Now I understand why I didn't care for this movie when I saw it. I'm not a fan of Gilliam's (the only movie that I've seen of his that I like is Twelve Monkeys) since he always seems more interested in visuals than creating an interesting plot with engaging characters. And that is exactly what how I felt about this

Did anyone else think Antoine was going to get shot or killed when he went to check on the noise in the house? It didn't help that one of the previous scenes was Toni reacting shocked to something in her house (which I assumed was bad). Coupled with the fact that this was a Pelecanos penned episode, I thought some

I would ALMOST agree with you about Breaking Bad getting better with the seasons, but the first half of the last season (my least favorite) was sort of meh to me…I'm having trouble thinking about what even exactly happened, (spoilers) something with magnets, a train robbery, Mike dies, and not-Matt-Damon shot a young