This is absolutely pathetic.
This is absolutely pathetic.
As usual, Kotaku doesn’t actually do any research on the matter. Her linkedin profile and twitter handle BOTH stated that she was indeed the lead facial animator, but has recently changed it. Lol
Another crybaby “Youtuber” upset that he isn’t getting revenue. The whole article is mainly this guy is upset because nintendo doesn’t want him earning all the money from their product. Simple as that.
YouTube Drama is the funniest crap, especially when it comes to stuff like this. Guess what, all these “x in front of x” have been made on gta4, San Andreas, vice city, and gta3. Literally NOTHING about this is original. The only difference is you put your video up first. Let the “gta youtube community” cry about this…
Ah, reaction videos. Where people make cringey ass hats out of themselves for views with their OVERLY exaggerated reactions. These channels are pure cancer.
Of course it was staged. She’s a content creator on facebook, so this is definitely another pathetic attempt at generating more views. None of these stupid videos are ever real.
If I’m being an asshole and that’s what I deserve, then yes, it’d be my fault. You tumblr kids are fucking retarded.
She’s upset someone is stalking her openly, yet has no problems with literally thousands of other men jacking off to her pictures. Fuck off with your crybaby “slut-shaming” tumblr-tier garbage.
Jesus Christ, once attention dies down, she’s right back at it, isn’t she? She’s mediocre at best and she’s only “known” in the fighting community for her whiny and toxic shitposting.
Still probably cheating. Most gaming mice allow custom Lua scripts which can load on the mouse and automatically compensate for recoil. An entire EU team got banned years ago from a tournament because all of them were caught using it with burst weapons. The sample rate and recoil control just weren’t possible to do it…
Is that why countless people have been banned after getting caught cheating even while streaming? People like you piss me off with how insanely ignorant you are regarding cheats. Take 5 minutes to Google some popular hacks, almost ALL of them can be hidden using OBS, and all have soft-aim/silent-aim aimbots that work…
Keep in mind FF also tracks reaction time, accuracy, where you’re tracking and how long you’re doing so. The GRAND majority of ff bans are 100% legit. Maybe less then 2% get banned for being “too good”. With the exception of super high kill/deaths in vehicles. Also, a lot of ff bans are also server specific and not…
I’m glad idiots like you have no actual say in what goes on with games. I get so annoyed every single time I read some 13 year old saying all snipers should be one shot kills.
So you’re entire counter argument is that it wasn’t overpowered and required skill, because you were stupid enough to use it as a front line weapon? Ahahahaha.
Awesome, now let’s ban him and his friends from playing comp because all it takes is one or two scumbags to throw a game to completely ruin your sr. people like this shouldn’t get any kind of praise for doing crap like this.
Why does every youtuber thing youtube is “killing” their channel? When you do the same Shtick for years, people are going to get bored. Every channel claiming their losing views/subs only focus on one thing. PewDiePie is only gaming, h3h3 is calling people out, and drama/news channels are just that. Eventually you…
Keep in mind, the title is 100% click bait which certainly helps with the views. a “console” overwatch player wrecking pc players would actually be impressive. someone who’s playing on pc against pc players isn’t as impressive.
Kotaku really needs a mandatory IQ test every few days. 95% of the people commenting are beyond stupid and I thank a higher power every day they have no real pull in the world.
And in typical fashion, I’m sure not a single person doing those fan art or fanfics even play the game. shippers are annoying cancer.
More people crying about this being “cheating”. it’s not. It’s another form of control, and any extra “skill” you get is 100% placebo. despite the being a mouse, you’re still completely limited to what is possible in game. Your aim will not be faster then a controller, nor will you be more accurate. All this does is…