Maybe it's like Anna Nicole and the rich oil guy. Maybe they think "He eats 100 lbs of bleu cheese a year, how long can he really live?"
Maybe it's like Anna Nicole and the rich oil guy. Maybe they think "He eats 100 lbs of bleu cheese a year, how long can he really live?"
My mother was one of those people who insisted on ruining respectable pieces of meat by cooking them to death. In fact, she cooked everything to death, including vegetables. But what she did to meat was sacrilegious.
it's very regional. anyone in MA knows what you mean if you ask for a regular.
Or it could be because he pesters her EVERY DAMNED DAY and even if you *like* sex with your SO, that shit (the constant harassment part) gets old fast...
You keep insisting she's fucking someone else. Because a woman is always fucking someone. And if it isn't the man who is right there offering then it is someone else. It just couldn't be that the lazy sod she's married to has de-evolved into a lump who thinks foreplay consists of "hey, how 'bout it?" A woman/wife is…
I will say that after being with my wife for 7 years (married for 3.5 w/ a 2year old), I've never been worse in bed than I am right now.
Or maybe he fucking sucks in bed and she's too nice to tell him.
Pink Sox gear is an abomination.
My goodness, you're unnecessarily antagonistic.
They have been trained since birth to believe anything foreign people with dark skin do is good.
I love listening to white liberals babble on in defense of terrorists. lol
I want more information on how the Spartan-kicking incident went down.
while this is not like institutionalized racism, and it's not at all the same thing as a white person in blackface- it is still racist.. period. he is making fun of a group of people based on the color of their skin, how is that not racist? again, it's not the same as a white person in blackface, because of the…
Who appointed certain Jezzies the racism gatekeepers? I'm relatively new here but on every post that touches race tangently there are one or two posters who, patronizingly attempt to "school" us on what racism mean. As if their definition is the "right" definition. And that definition usually means that non-White…
Not sure you're even trying to make a point here, unless it's "because of the, uhh, you know, system... man.... it's cool for non-whites to be, uhhh, ya know, like racists and stuff."
Well, at least one black author states that "we don't paint our faces white when we dress up as a white person."
"Aww, you don't understand how institutional racism affects how racial stereotypes are perceived? *shrug*"
So here's a question...100 years from now, will this still not be racist? At what point, if/when demographics and economics converge that White people are no longer the "power group" - will it switch?
She can call it "not racist" because some hack whose textbook she read redefined the word. Changing the definition of words or phrases is a common tactic around here, almost as common as trying to shame people to silence due to an overabundance of privilegee.
cue the influx of morons who will defend racist behavior from non-whites simply because they think our history and the infrastructure born of it means we deserve to be made fun of. No one deserves to be racially mocked, even white people who like to preach to other white people about racism when they have no fucking…