
Yeah, this “every homophobe must be gay” thing is getting tiring. I get that it has some baring in fact, but there are plenty of straight people that are just hateful. Also, I get that the idea is dunking on him for being a hypocrite, but the setups sure seem to be close to jokes where the punchline is being gay, not

Let us just get this out of the way, the sexuality of Mike Pence is not important. Who cares what his sexuality is? What is important is that he has a valid policy stance to hurt and endanger the lives of LGBTQ people regardless of how he feels satisfied behind closed doors. Mike Pence articles always turn into these

Why does she need to say anything? Why do we immediately turn to the closest woman and burden her with the responsibility of answering for some shitty man’s actions? Why does it always bounce back on women?

He reminds me of my shitbag ex who liked the idea of sleeping with men because it was taboo but wasn’t actually into men—and because his whole jam was using faux-progressivism to hide his abusive shit.

Comes off as ramped up narcissism to me, but, it’s doubtful you’re wrong.

THE WORST. So desperately transparent.

Oh my god..the cover, the concept, the poem. WRETCHED....boggling narcissism.


Here is a man so deep in a thought experiment, he doesn’t understand that how you think doesn’t excuse how you live.

Does anyone else get the impression that “gay up until the point of intercourse” means, “I hate women, but goddamnit, I want to have sex with women”? 

he published a book called Straight James/Gay James, which included musings about identity and sexuality, including lines like, “Hello woman, I’d like to be you./Not because I don’t enjoy my own man/ Body, my man strength, my man looks, / My man mind, but because I love yours/Even more.”

Women making music does affect men because it fosters competition. That’s what this is really about. Jealousy and insecurity.

What is it with society and the necessity of “Male Anger?” Can’t you just be, like, emotionally stable enough not to kick and scream when you don’t get your way? In DBT it’s called Radical Acceptance. My two cents explanation: Sometimes shit happens, sometimes you can’t control the shit that’s happening, accept that

Ps, when he says girly, he means weak and inconsequential. A statement that is just wildly untrue of the best women performing today.

Weird. It’s almost like he is an aging legend/symbol of an earlier era where women were shut out of popular music almost entirely and is now sad that the status quo is changing?

Our lead campaign at the moment is called Poverty Is Sexist. And there is another one called Girls Count. About 130 million girls can’t go to school who want to go to school.

Also, go away.

hip-hop is the only place for young male anger at the moment

Bono’s an asshole? Who woulda thunk?!

Dear Bono: Sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.