
You are mistaken in your definition of homeopathy. There are only a very few that work that way. This is how most homeopathy really works. Botox for wrinkles is an example of a homeopathic remedy. It is accepted by the conventional medical community. Small amounts of botulism, aka Botox, injected into the skin of

Good! We need to think of the children!

Great, now water is illegal

“young bucks”

Tell that to Michael Flynn. Don’t get too cocky just yet. Besides, info in emails isn’t what will sink this ship, it’s his goons flipping on him. Trump got sloppy, that’s all there is to it. A person with a modicum of sense could have easily gotten away with all of this and never gotten caught. Instead he’s had no

I hate that you spent all of that time regurgitating all of that horse shit, especially given the fact CNN wasn’t the source, Trump’s own dumb shit lawyer was. Also I really wish you Russian shitheads would learn a little better English. During the election your trolls were top-flight. What happened? Trying to cover

Really? Mueller’s ship has been extremely tight. We only knew about the Manafort indictment like a day before. There was no word of Papadopoulos or Flynn’s guilty plea until the FBI decided we should know.

The two things you can count on with Trump and most of his cronies: 1) They are naturally corrupt. Corruption is their very nature. It is their DNA. They only represent the worst impulses of humanity. 2) They are extraordinarily stupid. A life of privilege and wealth has given them a sense of superiority and an

This is excellent satire. Although if you really wanted to sell it you should’ve fit in a ‘snowflake’ or ‘cuck’ somewhere.

It says a lot about the sad state of the Trump team’s defense that they’re relying on the idea that they had an expectation of privacy using a govt email system.

Rape is what scary guys do, when they jump out from behind bushes carrying knives. What they themselves do is just a misunderstanding, not rape!

Many modern women have been scammed into imagining that men no longer act this way, and that if they themselves remain silent, or do not repeat their refusals, or freeze up, they will be perceived as being not-consenting. But this is a scam.

I think it’s a lot of coercion, I don’t think enough men believe coercion can be rape.

This. No means no until I overpower you.

I once had a date invite himself into the bathroom in my apt, push me onto the bed, and rape me. When he finished and I pushed him off (he was 6'4-I’m 5'6) and told him what he did was wrong and I was upset, he was BAFFLED. He was upset and kept apologizing. I had been saying “no stop. Please stop it hurts” during the

Am I missing something in Spurlock’s post? I don’t understand the “Light Bright” thing. Or are we not supposed to understand it?

I get so uncomfortable about the desire for people to suffer that goes against base tenets of mental health.

Saying “sorry”, even once, would’ve been a good start.

I’ve been wondering about this too, not from a “how to forgive the men” perspective, more like a “how men should now behave to make it stop” perspective. Public admission, tell other men not to be like this, and then...?Def him retweeting accolades kinda ruins it for me.

I had a classmate in high school who would constantly say my name, followed by “slob my knob.” It happened in a few different classes and everyone just always giggled while I saw there feeling mortified. I knew my one teacher could hear him but would pretend that she didn’t, which felt like such a betrayal (as a woman