
Another one I saw around the same time as Blue Ruin was Cold in July - also a revenge flick but with a big mid-movie twist that turns the story on its head.

LOVE that Blue Ruin is on this list.

Right? TIL that apparently some people have a passionate hatred of *checks notes* dill.

I also don’t care for Gwyneth outside of specific roles/projects, and I despise everything Goop, but I agree that dill is disgusting outside of pickling cucumbers. And basil is a perfectly cromulent favorite herb.

Counterpoint: Dill is wonderful and people probably shouldn’t take life advice from the founder of a new-age, snake oil company with a corporate ethos that essentially boils down to: “If you want a good life, then make sure you’re born wealthy.”

I agree that art does not do well when made by committee, if that committee does not care about the art and only cares about about ROI. I dislike how the sneering at “made by committee” devalues collaborative work and plays too hard into auteur theory and all the ancillary problems that come with it.

I thought his issue with this season was that it also doesn’t plagiarize Thomas Ligotti and Alan Moore verbatim. 

The one that always gets me is the insistence that Carbonara should have peas.  WTF?

Yeah we had some versions of Italian dishes that came from my grandma who was half Italian and grew up in an area of the midwest with a high population of Germans so there were lots of liberties taken with ingredients, and they were delicious.

I definitely remember my own family making “bacon spaghetti” because there wasn’t any Italian sausage or ground beef around.

I doubt it, even chains are closer to the real thing than something with alfredo or tomatoes. It’s probably a family bastardization, their parents got mixed up or made a substitution based on what was in the house and it became a regular dish, and they had little exposure to the real thing. I’ve had similar things

Those are people who likely only have eaten it at chain places or Italian-American places where they did cheat ways.

I wonder if that person got “carbonara” confused with “marinara”

I don’t really understand their business model anymore. Lemonade that makes your heart explode? Why exactly?

Cream, mushrooms, and chicken are simply not part of a standard carbonara.

While playing down that he’s there due to parents.

And I remember being slightly put off, which I usually am about doing anything, because I had to go find this studio in the middle of Tucson. I believe it coincided with me visiting my parents, and I needed to get it done. I knew very little about the show.

Who puts Weird Al on ANY worst-of list?

Panera massacred its menu like it was Sonny Corleone 

Okay, I’m one of the people who likes olives, albeit with a strong preference for Kalamatas.