Raven in Red

I hate this new format, I don't get my Gawker or i09 daily mails like I used to, the ability to find stories is more complex and less friendly, and I just don't come here & read ANY of the sites with any regularity like I used to. Kind of sad. I looked up to y'all for a while.

@Annalee Newitz: I have just discovered your recaps and shyly admit I'm in love. Of course you should feel free to do them when you feel ready - nothing sucks more than a deadline you just are so no ready to meet. (And sometimes..just...***CAN'T*** meet. I know you know what I mean.)

@mekki: But that's the point - even Death thinks he's older than God. He'll be around longer than God, implying Death is infinite, and God is finite. Kind of puts a different spin on it, *I* feel, but that's my impression. Plus, there was that episode in Apocalypse season (5) where other religions' gods got together

@mekki: Also, I must beg to disagree: Death said he'd likely end up Reaping God, so he thought he was older.

@mekki: Crowly is the "King of Hell" right now without Lucifer around which is pretty much more power than Castiel had when he lost his grace, so maybe mojo-wise, he did "bring the juice". Then again, there is something skeevy-wise about Grampa Skinner, but it could be just the eyebrows. But I think I did catch a

@mekki: Crowly is the "King of Hell" right now without Lucifer around which is pretty much more power than Castiel had when he lost his grace, so maybe mojo-wise, he did "bring the juice". Then again, there is something skeevy-wise about Grampa Skinner, but it could be just the eyebrows. But I think I did catch a

It's really tiring to hear guys bash strong women in strong action roles. They bashed Sarah Michelle Gellar in Buffy who studied Tae Kwon Do for five years, and then while filming was taking kickboxing, boxing, street fighting and gymnastics. Eliza Dushku does a lit of her own fight-scenes and choreography. Katee