Yeah, Nate got thrown into the Temporal Zone in Season 2, and landed in feudal Japan ... and made a huge crater on impact. Good thing he’d just gotten his Steel powers, or that could’ve been messy.
Yeah, Nate got thrown into the Temporal Zone in Season 2, and landed in feudal Japan ... and made a huge crater on impact. Good thing he’d just gotten his Steel powers, or that could’ve been messy.
Yeah, the evil Gideon from the 100th episode is her original core programming trying to reassert itself. Bishop’s Gideon is a copy of Gideon reset to that original programming, without any of the added humanity.
Close. Gary started with two nipples, the unicorn bit off one, then Neron returned it (along with some evil nipple magic), then Mona bit it off again, then Gary used his Fairy Godmother wishes to get it back once more (minus the evil) and decided to wish for a third nipple, in case he ever needed a spare.
In Season 1, there was an episode (can’t remember which one) that opened with Barry capturing the Royal Flush Gang. They were all in masks, and he caught them so quickly, they didn’t have a chance to fight or speak; really just a cameo appearance.
Until reading this, I had completely forgotten that she didn’t know Barry was The Flash. I just sort of assume any character who’s been in three or more episodes will know his secret identity.
Something that’s been pretty consistent is that, while Iris loves Barry, she’s never been wild about his friends. She largely ignores Caitlin, and always seemed kinda irritated by Cisco.
Well, it’s unclear how much time is meant to have elapsed between seasons.
They wouldn’t even need a cameo. I’d have been satisfied with Kara getting a text message from him.
Beauty of doing it at the literal last second is they don’t have to deal with any of the practical problems involved.
Presumably, as Editor-and-Chief, she can delegate a lot of her responsibilities as needed, and if everyone knows the reason she’s delegating is because she has to go stop a bridge from collapsing, they’ll probably be cool with it.
While a lot of your complaints are valid (and hilarious) I’ll mention that, as far as the world at large knows, Clark Kent and Kara Danvers are not related at all. At least, I don’t think there’s supposed to be any blood relation between the Kent and Danvers families; the Danverses were just some people Superman knew…
Well, it’s not the real Hoover, but a robot lookalike. Also, I assumed he was just conscripting whatever Chicago PD officers happened to be handy.
Yeah, critics complain about Marvel movies all looking the same, but unless you’re watching Community, you expect most episodes in a TV series to have the same visual style.
I thought the co-captains thing came about pretty naturally. It started with Sara being gone for a couple episodes because she was visiting Star City/Caity Lotz was on director duty, and she left Ava in charge because, really, who are the other options? Constantine? Behrad? Mick?
Gunsel didn’t originally mean a gunman, but enough people THOUGHT it meant a gunman, that eventually, that became its new meaning.
I figure they recognized Gideon as a human the same way Nate could recognize Ray as a pig, and everyone could recognize Zari as a cat.
I was assuming it was a euphemism.
But if he dies, then the movie Clue loses some great jokes.
Presumably, the building collapsing is no longer news, because it was swiftly followed by a giant cat attack, and then a giant dragon attack.
She did stand in a public street and openly rant about her plans to destroy the city, and then proceed to blast the heroes with mystic energy. Assuming anyone recorded that ...