
almost as good as the herds of Ranier bottles roaming the forests like elk...those ads ruled. i spent many a hungover morning thanks to ranier beer back in my high school days...good times.

either option is a huge improvement...i will sacrifice my audi loyalty and more than likely by this car for the work commute if offered in the U.S. do it VW!

ok ill ask it...what can WE buy to protect OURSELVES from the atheles? i.e.,pac man jones.

forget the cars...is that a sunny day i see in those pics? agghhh...makes me miss my stumptown coffee/hammerhead ale/taco del mar. never should have moved!

if i wanted to watch a d-bag drift his mustang, i'd walk over to the local wal-mart parking lot after midnight...

ill take an A3 tdi,i imagine the smaller size/weight could get some serious mpg's...if and when i comes out, but this is great news!...might be time to upgrade-even though my current avant has been rock freakin solid for 4 years, not one reliability issue that everyone comments about (knock on fake burlewood)

love to read them but i've got less important things to do on a friday...ha ha JK! great stuff man...im guessing you do something related for a living?

i love it...but what does it cost to keep this thing running?

ok help me out before i embarrass myself..is it gay for me to want to buy an old-high milage miata for $2000 to paint flat black and tear up/redline/and generally abuse on the weekend for nothing more than a grown-up go cart? because i want to, but fear my friends will slide a rainbow sitcker/airfreshner on it when im

"dynamic...aero-dynamics" now thats some copy writing genius there!

i love the subliminal hint of date rape in the lyrics...so mysterious and dangerous just like the car!...full disclosure, my mom had the GT version of this car in 88 and damn if i didn't slam the hell out of it-punchy little ride with decent pick up, loved the clicky shifter. i do remember the seat leather started

this question pisses me off, how long is too long? i dont know because i haven't had a chance to find out yet! when the technology is AVAILABLE i will let you know- its all about OPTIONS people- just give consumers the option of a plug-in hybrid and wait to see how they respond-currently no one has a chance to drive

reporting an average 29mpg? so what was the advantage of driving a SMART? i can think of a lot of cars i'd rather drive through europe with similar milage. imagine how the inside of that tiny fart can smells with those two bloated

good work Nissan...lemme know when popular mech's drives the Chevy Volt...oh wait, thats only for car shows...you can't actually drive it...point goes to Japan!

joke was funny...peroid. being offended by innocuous ethnic jokes is so p.c. 90's that anyone that wets themselves about it is popping off for their own self-gratification/importance and it's boring! let's move on people...dropping some occasional edgy humor keeps things interesting and i for one applaud the attempt.

no way, its JOHN MAYER in the passenger seat!

ive seen this garage before- in the movie "Wolf Creek" that crazy aussie dude ruled.

i knew i was in trouble when i heard the poorly played maracas at the beginning of the song, the shot on the roof sold it, ultimate home-video cliche.

cup holder that brews it's own coffee...it could happen.

drove this exact car while on vacation in germany, wanted to hate it but ended up loving it...slightly underpowered but handled well, quiet, easy to park/drive in the city, good mpg etc. not worth $30k but a great little car. drove it through 4 countries and never got tired of it.