Do they have a similar rule for porn?
Do they have a similar rule for porn?
Needs must.
Put it in the water. Or sterilize after the first kid.
Put a damn egg beater up her vag and have at it.
Whores gonna whore.
Fuck small towns. They need to be killed.
Nope, fuck them. Move to a city, or move out into the woods off the grid and don’t get any handouts. Small towns need to be killed.
They would have to be sterilized.
Your parents fucked up. Don’t save these peoples lives.
They should be. Let them die in childbirth. Solved the problem.
Needs must.
I want govt options. As in anyone who has a kid while on welfare gets sterilized.
Poor black people cant afford to live in the inner city. It’s not the 80s
They should not exist. They won’t pretty soon.
Push her down the stairs.
Tell them to stop voting against their interests.
Sterilize her.
Wow she really whitened up since then.
Aren’t a lot of these schools pretty scammy?
Man you must have to discriminate pretty hard to manage that.