R ‎‎W

I’m complaining already. She should be more built than wonder women.

If they don’t force her to seriously bulk up it’s going to be a joke.

Paul went and got ripped. Can’t see Kristin lifting anything.

Yeah make her buff up then.

Generic white guy is generic.

Spend the money to move to a proper city where you don’t need a car.

Nail him with the obvious stat rape charges, and send him back to the savannah.

What do you mean older systems? Everyone with any sense puts their os and utility programs on a small fast drive, and uses big slower drives for mass storage. And I use my older ssd drives for the most commonly used games and prgorams.

whatever you need to tell yourself. if she is what the right is basing their campaigning on, you are going down hard.

privatization of schools is a right wing objective. privatization of all govt functions is. who gives a fuck about clinton. is that the last card you fucks have?

go look at who is heading up the education department. go ahead.

thats a lie you fuck. charter schools are a right wing thing. very right wing.

go suck a gun

The lakes are huge, and deep

meth lab?

yeah chicago is going to do just fine though.

hes pretty much buck strickland.

oh i god i had one of those for a rental. that is depression on wheels.