R ‎‎W

is it a black movie theater if its packed for the newest tyler perry thing each time?

fuck off ivan

fuck off ivan

his teammate complains to the ref over the noise of homeboy giving birth, and then fucks off like a 12 year old.

Ever stifle screams of rage as your dog chews on the non-replaceable 3.5mm cable soldered into your favorite pair of cans?

no thats gross. stop worshiping rich assholes.

Hmm smells like vodka

shes chinese so probably malnourished.

you said something right?

kill yourself coward

fuck you ivan

i want you to die coward.

this applies to ohio state too.

russia bots are supporting him

Now playing

Really, shes calling on every 90s kid pre internet easy access porno?

looks at africa.
