R ‎‎W

Perhaps you are the moron and you dont even know.

Ive seen in in gas stations on the chicago to green bay route


Seinfeld cares about all that. hes a moron huh?

right hand drive

nice bubble you blew there.

only if she didnt let him into her room.

how about a non sketch one that doesnt look put together by hippies?

so fucking spell it better then

man the title image, the racists will have a field day.

its soccer on ice

my roommates cat would have put up with it.  

fuck off muhammad 

How about the religious leaders try that first.

Perhaps YOU are the idiot, not everyone else.

Yeah damaged people is what I look for in Star Trek. Did Snyder consult on this?

But the counseling after will cost thousands.

But the counseling after will cost thousands.

$3500 for a computer that probably costs $5 in parts?

the pastors driving luxury cars in poverty stricken areas will survive.