R ‎‎W

I agree, shame on women for not being turned on by balls.

And women here dumped all the blame on him, as if he disrobed her, ie raped her. Tit for tat, literally.

Kill your racist uncles. Serious. Little rat poison in their cheap whiskey, problem solved.

No mainland Chinese allowed i assume.

dont go to atlanta. they should be shamed, not encouraged.

Still a millionaire after today?

it was a leather outfit with a boobie cup held on with snaps. and that wasnt some nipple hiding device on her titty.

no china is super racist. they consider themselves to be a separate human race.

black people have tyler perry. how do those do?

it wont do well in china.

I like the one where the chinese guy died.

lol fuck off

yeah you aint going to shut this down.

whats wrong with his face?

yeah that aint hotep attitude at all.

really? all she needs is a fruit hat and shes bugs bunny.