R ‎‎W

I guess this moron falls on his fat ass a lot

lol right wing cuck you are

So how much is daddy paying for your rent?

If you aren’t going to give the assholes name, address, and social media profiles, don’t post the article.

Because f1 rules, you shit

Reliability. VW don’t have it.

That doesn’t work in the south.

The right wing loves bigger govt, as long as they have control.

Fuck your life. Trash piece of shit.

Fuck you and your fat daughter whore.

The moral of the story here is don’t live in the south. Fuck them all.

Tax churches. Into the ground.

every person you know who votes repub in kansas you have to attack until they concede or they cut you out of the their life.

yeah but i saw this stupid bro struck full of trump(ignorance) stickers.

n one cares about old ones.

can it do orbit?

you drunk?

yeah prove it with votes.

oh neat.

really, mens polos? how about mens ass dildos?