R ‎‎W

If Brady crashes and gets hurt/dies I will pour myself a full glass of scotch.

Wrestling is soap operas for men. Go see how much women get into that shit.

Charge them with felonies. That’s less trump voters

oh, your herpes are a bit mild. grats.

My parents are in a ruralish suburb of green bay. The only time I remember any power issues was some major storms, but that was just a few seconds really. Big fun for a kid.

well, someone is going to steal a lot of crypto using this somehow.

No issue at all as a frequent business traveler to the western states.

All i know is, i use a pax vape. I went 110 plus on i94 gb to milwaukee to pass some dumbass truck driver on the right, got pulled over. I was super duper ripping that thing. Either white guy in bmw is armor, or they dont know the vape smell.

wasnt there a bible rule that liars had their tongues cut out?

so, lsd then?

drink cab like a proper person.

A federal tax bill, you cock faced shitweasle. After nuking local tax deductions, the poor morons get to pay more. But fuck them anyway.

yeah there was a good chance he was going to have his ass raped, one way or another.

can i report this trash post? delete this shitstain. fuck you for posting about him at all you cheap wh0re. you wanna suck him off or what? fuck you.

my flights to china take me over the north end of alaska, the arctic circle, siberian russia, and near north korea.

because some subcontractor ceo needs to buy his wife a yacht to shut that bitch up.

are you way out in bfe? i live in the core of chicago. ANY power outtage would have people shooting the mayor that day.